Chapter Twenty Two: Learning The Truth

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It never felt real. I was just hoping she would wake up, and I wasn't ready to say goodbye, but today just reminded me, that my best friend was taken from me. Natalie and Meygan walked by my side as we threw a handful of dirt into the ground. Mason got down on his knee and blew a kiss to the ground. He wanted to be strong, but I noticed the tears fall down his cheek. I had no idea what he was feeling. Bree was his only true love. He stayed drunk for the last 3 days. He stayed locked up in his room, and didn't want to talk to anyone. He put up a wall that no one could tear down. I worried for him. 

"Come on baby. You really don't want to see them cover her."

I nodded my head and leaned into Darren. 

"What about Mason?"

"Just leave him alone for a little bit. He will be okay."

I gave Mason a hug before walking away from him.





"Why did you have to leave me baby? We were suppose to have a future together. Why did you leave me?"

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and there she was.

"I will always be with you Mason."

"So you're...."

"No Love, I'm dead. I mean I will always be in your heart."

"How will I ever do any of this without you Bree?"

"You will figure it out. You will also figure out exactly how I died. I have to go. I will love you forever Mason."

"Don't go Bree!"

But before I knew it, she was gone again.  I knew I had to stay strong for us, but right now being strong seemed to be impossible.





I put my hand on Mason's shoulder and said,"I know it hurts because it hurts me too. Being strong may seem impossible, but she needs you."

"She needs me? What about me Brooke? I need her, and she's gone! She will never be coming back, and I have to deal with that everyday for the rest of my life! She was my mate, and now I have to be without her."

Before I knew it, I was face to face with a big gray wolf and Mason ran away from me. I knew it was killing him, but we needed him to fight for Bree.

"Such a sad little sight."

His voice made me want to throw up.

"You will be surprised of how many people can sneak into a hospital. All I needed was to get inside of a closet. There was doctor stuff everywhere."

"What did you do Trevor?"

"What did I do? Hmm... Well I went into Bree's room and noticed she was doing fine, but I couldn't have that. Each hour on the hour for 6 hours I injected her with morphine, but don't worry, she basically just went to sleep."

I was so pissed that I was shaking.

"You killed her! You killed my best friend!"

A power rose within me. I felt strong, confident, and I was stupid to want to take him on, but I did anyway. I punched him in the nose and felt it crack 3 times. I smiled when he fell to the ground.

"Now you listen and listen well you bastard. I don't want you to be afraid because that will take the fun out of the fight, but just know that no matter where you hide, I will find you, and I will kill you slowly. You have taken everything away from me, but I swear to God on this, I will make sure you go miserably for taking away the one person who mattered most to me. I might be going to hell, but I can promise you honey, I will be going for a good enough reason. You will NEVER get the best of me! I will kill you Trevor. Think about that

Before getting off of the ground I punched him again. No more Ms. Nice Girl because Bree has always told me, payback is a BITCH!






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