Chapter Two- Waken

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Here is Chapter 2 . There is Darren. I'm currently working with my iPad right now, so these chapters are unedited for now. Enjoy :)
I loved the way she slept in my truck. I wanted to hold her like Mason was holding his new found mate, but I had to drive. It was wrong to take her away from her apartment, but I found her 6 months ago, and all I did was protect her from a distance, but I couldn't hold it back anymore. I wanted her to be at my side all the time, and now that I finally have her, I am not going to let her go.

I shall tell about myself. I am Darren Matthew Paxton. I am going to be taking the position as Alpha in the New Risen Pack. My father is dying, but I was not allowed to take the positon without my mate at my side. I have done things I'm not pround of, but hey, people THINK I am human. ;)

Hey D, when will they wake up?"

"In a few hours. Let's just get them upstairs, then we need to go to that meeting."

Mason carried Bree bridal style and I did the same with Brooke. It was so hard not to kiss her, but I've seen what she did to the guy from the coffee shop that touched her butt, and I was not ready to get punched.

We got to the spare room. It had a big queen sized bed, and I didn't think they minded sharing a bed. They were best friends, and it is only for a few nights until they get comfortable. I kissed her forehead and closed the door on my way out. It was hard, but a wolf has to do, what a wolf has to do...





I woke up to the sound of Luke Bryan and new Bree was right there.

"You know you talk in your sleep?"

I rubbed my eyes and looked around.

"Bree, where in the hell are we?"

"Hell if I know, this place is like a palace. It is huge. It took me 6 minutes to find the bathroom."

"We need answers Bree!"

"I've tried. There are guys everywhere. They will not speak a word. All they say is, "We are not allowed, please let me show you back to your room."

I smiled at her attempt to sound like a guy. It was truly horrible.

"How long was I asleep?"

"I wanna say 4 hours. Mason and Darren are no where to be found. We are locked up in this house, and I'm so damn bored. We don't even have our cell phones."

I rolled my eyes. "Please don't worry about the phones, and help me think of a way to get out of here. I mean come on. How hard can it be?"

We looked out the window and sighed. This place was covered with people. I was guessing very hard.

The Back story of Bree and Brooke:

Bree and Brooke met when they were 8 years old. Bree was from Texas. Kids made fun of her accent, wardrobe, and braces. Brooke heard Bree crying in the corner during play time because none of the other kids wanted to play. Brooke took her hand and told her she will always be her best friend.

At the age of 16 Bree and Brooke were still very close. Only Brooke knew Bree's story of how her ex boyfriend raped her the year before, and Brooke stood by her side.

At age 17 Bree and Brooke's parents were also best friends and they decided to take a trip together. Their plane had a hydraulic leak, and a double funeral was hold on two 17 year old girls.

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