1~ intro

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Lead pumped through my veins as I felt a familiar feeling rush through my body.

My muscles tensed as I looked up and reread the large sign on the building.

"This is it." I spoke to myself, experiencing deja vu.

Taking a deep breath, I walked up the steps and entered the large black doors.

Immediately the smell of men's cologne tickled my nostrils as I stepped into the lobby.

The decor was dark-accented and everything looked swag yet expensive.

Taking in the new ambience, I soon made my way over to the front desk.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Park Soojin." I bowed, introducing myself.

The lady behind the desk looked up from her computer and threw me a friendly smile.

"Ah yes, we've been waiting for you Soojin-ssi. Please follow me."

The lady got up from her seat and led me up the stairs to a large office.

"Sir, Ms Soojin-ssi has arrived." the woman announced, causing the figure with their back facing us, to turn around.

My eyes met will a tall slender woman dressed in black from head to toe. Her mysterious aura gave chills down my spine.

"Hello Soojin-ssi. It is nice to finally meet you." she spoke boldly.

I greeted her back and took the seat opposite her.

Without any further conversation, the woman pointed to the already prepared pen and paper on the table and gestured for me to proceed.

Hesitating slightly, I took a quick breath to avoid my hands trembling and picked up the pen.

Feeling the eyes of the woman in front and lady behind me, I felt the pressure to sign the paper quick.

As soon as I did so, the woman picked up the paper and hid it under a folder.

"Welcome to YG Entertainment, Park Soojin."

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