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Getting past the guards surprisingly fast, myself and the gang made our way to our designated meeting spot.

Haruto was right, those Inkigayo staff are really nice.

Bolting our way through the staff, we finally reached the wings of the stage. Making sure everyone was around, I looked over at Sunghoon.

"Got the guitar?" I asked puffing from all the running.

The boy nodded pulling the instrument out from behind his back. Nodding back, I tried to sit back and calm my nerves. I looked over to the stage and watched as the Treasure boys performed cleanly.

"Alright guys, the interval time between Treasure and Soojin's performance is approximately six minutes, that means within that time we need to carry out the plan AND leave time for Soojin to get on stage." I spoke clearly so everyone could understand.

The idols nodded understanding.

Looking back at the stage, the Treasure members soon took their final positions before running into the wings. Turning to the now complete group, I took deep breaths.

"It's showtime."



As I heard the sound of Treasure's performance ending, I quickened my pace up the steps.

Come on Soojin.
Work those chopstick legs.

Finally arriving at the wings, my eyes widened at the sight of ENHYPEN and Treasure. 

"Guys what are you-"

My words were cut off when I noticed a familiar group of girls stepping out from the darkness.


Instantly, I found myself being attacked by the hugs of the girls I hadn't seen in so long.

Chohee, Aerum, Jiwoo, Haeun, Haewon, Minjung, Misun...

Frozen in their arms, I felt an instant waterfall of tears run down my face.

"You guys-I-"

Unable to speak, I wrapped my arms around the seven members of I-GURLZ.

"I told you she'd love it." spoke Jake suddenly from behind.

Lifting my head from Chohee's arm, I watched as the boy looked at Haruto laughing.

"Wha-when did you two get to know each other?" I asked in pure confusion.

Completely ignoring my question all the idols packed in the area looked at each other before moving away to face me.

"Soojin we have something to say to you." spoke Haruto as he held his hands in front of him.

Observing their serious faces, I felt an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

What the fuck is going on.

All of a sudden the girls of I-GURLZ approached me as a group, Misun holding a piece of paper.

She cleared her throat before speaking.

"Park Soojin. Ever since the girls and I met you in I-LAND, we can all agree that you've been nothing but the perfect friend. Despite being the youngest among the applicants, you were the one who we could always count on to have our backs through thick and thin. Your evident talent and maturity is well beyond your years that sometimes we forget you're only so young. Even though the past year or so we've been out of contact, we have never once stopped supporting you from a far. Your success and fame you have achieved in such a short period of time makes us the proudest unnies. Despite our group being on the edge of disbandment, we will not give up and continue to be inspired by your hard work. We love you so much Soojin, from I-GURLZ."

Staring at the girls in shock and tears, I felt my heart ache in warmth. Before I could run up to hug them, they soon moved back to their position and the ENHYPEN members took their spot.

Also holding a piece of paper, Heesung began to speak.

"Park Soojin. The past year or so that you haven't been around at BigHit, the boys and I have been nothing short of depressed. Walking through the halls and not seeing your sweet face pained us more than you'll ever know. Because of your decision to move to our 'rival' company, some of us gained a grudge towards you as we believed you betrayed us. But deep down, we all knew that it was because we missed you. We were stupid and thought that if we chose to hate you, maybe our painful urge to be with you would disappear. We were wrong. And we're so sorry. Not taking into account the trials you were enduring at YG, we became selfish and only thought about why you we'rent with us. We regret, we regret a lot. After hearing Treasure's plan to try to get you to come back to Bighit, we were over the moon. The thought of seeing you're face again and being around you made us happier than you'll ever know. So Soojin, without manipulating you in any way, we want you to know that we love you and we'd be honoured to have you come back and fill the hole you've placed in our hearts. Love, ENHYPEN."

Hearing the boy's heartfelt words, I felt my body shake in tears. But again, before I could approach the boys, Treasure took the centre.

Tears blurring my vision, I watched as Yedam walked to the middle, holding his piece of paper.

"Park Soojin. When you first walked into the YG building, the boys and I couldn't take our eyes off you. Your unique aura and presence was so pure that honestly we wondered why you came to our company. Through the past year, we've been so terribly sad to have to watch you endure the hardships of debuting under YG alone, and at such a young age. Despite the constant mental and emotional abuse, you still managed to brightened up our lives with your selfless nature. Because of your constant facade, we became insensitive and continued to watch you live your days at YG knowing very well the pain you were in. It was recently that was realised that the spark in your eyes slowly started to fade and your energy was becoming less and less. This terrified us. Not wanting to let your suffer any longer we came up with a plan to get you out of YG. So far every step of the plan has worked out but the very last step is in your hands."

Retrieving something from Sunghoon, Yedam suddenly revealed a guitar.

"Jinhyuk told us about the song you had performed at your evaluation. We took his word for it when he said it was mind-blowing."

Yedam gripped the instrument before holding it out for me to take.

Looking at it, I felt my tears run down my face.

"By singing the song, you'll be breaching the contract you made with YG to stick with your concept. This means you'll be kicked out of YG." Haruto spoke from beside Yedam.

"We can't force you to do anything, but we hope that with what we have shown you, you know that you're not alone."

Looking up at the three idol groups in front of me, I broke down in tears.

"Whichever song you decide to perform, just know that there are so many people who love you and will support you no matter what." spoke Chohee causing me to cry even harder.

All of a sudden the stage went dark, indicating my signal to take my starting position.

Looking at the darkened stage, I turned back to the guitar. Wiping the tears from my eyes, I slowly reached out to the instrument.

Sorry Saeri, you're not going to be happy.

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