eight - confessions

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it had been at least 2 weeks ; richie and eddie hadn't spoken a word since the incident. richie felt awful so tried to keep distance, eddie was still hurt but confused with what he and richie actually were. they never exactly broke up so, what now? eddie had never been in a committed relationship, he wasn't sure if they were just 'on a break' or if an argument meant an automatic break up. nevertheless, the two weren't talking and it definitely wasn't a secret.

bev, eddie, stan and mike leave class 5 minutes before the rest so they are always the first at their usual lunch table, everyone had their assigned seats: bev, ben and mike sat on one side, bill, stan and eddie on the other, and richie most likely sat on bill's lap; but it was different now. eddie would be sat next to beverly, usually mike on eddie's left, bill, stan & ben sat on one side and now, richie just stood up, well, when he actually showed up to lunch.

bev sighed
"guys. im sorry but i hate this"

everyone looked up, waiting for her to finish her sentence

"what happened to us? we used to have fun, we used to actually laugh with eachother! now what? we barley say anything?"

everyone knew it was true, when did they become so dull? eddie couldn't help but think this was his fault. richie's comment constantly played on his mind

go back to where you came from

he's right. if he hadn't moved, these losers would be happy, they'd be laughing right now, receiving glares from anybody who walked past their table. now look at them..

stanley hesitantly spoke up
"we need to fix this"

they all agreed, every one of them hated this, they'd to anything for it to go back to normal

"eds, i know it's hard but, you're gonna have to talk to richie. you're missing him and he's missing you. im not saying to rush back into things but you need to talk"

eddie clenched his jaw, they all noticed
"okay but why should i listen to anything you have to say?"


"no no no. listen to me, okay? you can't just confess your undying love to my boyfriend, know that he doesn't feel the same way and kiss him anyway? dude i'm sorry that a sleepover game got you caught in the love bug or whatever but you don't make a move on somebody that you know damn well is in a relationship."

eddie exhaled, his breath shaking.

stanley's jaw was practically on the floor, beverly's eyes widened at his sudden burst of confidence.

"oh, i almost forgot, it's eddie to you"

and with that, eddie left to find his bo- richie.
to find richie.


eddie walked into the bathroom, he knew richie would be there. richie was sat on the floor with his knees pulled up to his chest ; his glasses were thrown on the floor, it looked like he had been crying? eddie wanted to ask what he had to cry about, HE broke EDDIE, not the other way around...

richie looked up and wiped his eyes
"hi eddie"

he spoke so bluntly.

"hi rich"

richie slightly smiled watching eddie sit down next to him. the two boys stared at each other for around 10 seconds until they both blurted out

"im sorry"

eddie blushed, he missed richie's voice

"eds i- i was such a dick. i never ever should have kissed stan. i knew i was dating you a-and i promise you i didn't mean what i said- b-back at your house. i should have listened to you. i never ever want to loose you, eddie. ever."

eddie felt his eyes fill up ;
that was all he wanted to hear.

"and you won't. you'll never loose me. it's just a kiss. im over it and i mean i kinda just yelled at stanley in the cafeteria anyway so um..."

"wow- i am so sad i missed that"

eddie giggled.

neither of them spoke for a while. they enjoyed being in each other's presence again, it's something they have been longing for for so long.

richie was the one to break the silence
"hey um, how about you stay over at my house tonight? o-or you can just come over for a little while. i mean we aren't in school tomorrow so i was just-"

"richie! chill, i'd love to stay the night."

richie smiled ; everything was slowly falling back into place.


word cound: 755

a/n: so yes this is a very late update and well its not a very long chapter either, i have honestly not been in the mood to write at all, i've been doing school online and i haven't really had time out of school hours due to a variety of things. i'm sure yall can already tell where this is going (or think it'll go tehe) with the ending of this chapter so i don't know if y'all will be uh too happy with that but- anyway, i'll try to update more often!

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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