Chapter Four

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The most weathered and stout-hearted mariners of Ever After assembled at Monarch's Cove with a hazy idea of the quest before them. Queen Adeline and King Gillroy could not publicize the piratical capture of their daughter. Inevitably such news would lead to private citizens and scoundrels trying to take justice into their own hands to terrible effect. No, word could not get out on their condition. The royal leaders had no interest in starting a war upon the Sea. All they wanted was their daughter back at not too great a cost.

Now that the sailors were assembled, Prince Daniel took the men into his confidence and explained their mission. They all listened attentively and swore to do their utmost to save Princess Sarah's life, especially on behalf of the prince of Ever After. They respected his courage, his controlled emotions, his proper leadership and his noble love for this maiden. Surely luck would be on their side, considering their motivation.

All the stores were now on board, all the prince's possessions stowed. The time for their departure was now very near. The vessel sat at anchor in the bay, the sailors aloft in the rigging to secure the sails for the best breezes. The fastest, most seaworthy ship of the Ever After fleet, if a very small handful of ships can be considered a fleet, had been brought to Monarch's Cove to ensure Prince Daniel would have an easy time of recovering his probable future bride. HMS Straight and True was not a monstrosity, but her condensed size made her sleek through the waters. She might not intimidate the pirates with her size or guns, but she would certainly surprise them.

The tide was coming in, making it time for last good-byes. Prince Daniel was surrounded by his family as he stood next to the longboat that would row him out to Straight and True. Queen Eudora and Princess Bridgette both hugged the handsome prince with words of faith and encouragement. They knew he would succeed, they assured him, and begged a hasty return once Sarah was saved. Daniel promised to act as they desired and to consider his own safety in every situation. Then King Darrik punched his son in the arm with a humored smile.

"Go get 'em, son," Darrik almost guffawed. "Those pirates haven't got a clue who they're up against. I almost pity them, poor devils. Well, don't have too much fun, swashbuckler."

"Thanks, father," Daniel guessed was the best response to such a borderline inappropriate sentiment. Ever After's prince did not have time to further puzzle over his flippant father, for Queen Adeline and King Gillroy were approaching him. His future parents-in-law required his full attention and feelings.

Adeline seized Prince Daniel's hand and squeezed out her desperation. Her blue eyes were still drowned behind a wall of tears.

"Please don't fear, Your Majesty," Prince Daniel beseeched, "I will not rest until you and King Gillroy have Princess Sarah back in your relieved embrace. Everything within my power will be done to rescue her, for all our sakes."

"Oh dear Daniel, I don't doubt you for all Fairy Tale," Queen Adeline said, "It just pains me to be risking another one of you precious children to get Sarah back. This awful mess is coming at such a heavy cost. You must be careful, dear."

King Gillroy laid a hand upon his wife's shoulder and the other upon Daniel's. "Daniel will enact every precaution, Adeline darling," Gillroy calmly stated. He looked directly into the prince's serious gaze. "We trust you with our daughter's life, Daniel, and that is the greatest proof of our reverence and affection. Bring her and yourself home in one piece."

Prince Daniel inhaled a deep breath and nodded to King Gillroy. It meant more than Daniel could tell to hear Delight's king express such pride in the prince. It aided his self-confidence to know King Gillroy, whom Prince Daniel always looked up to for bravery and character, considered him worthy to win the care of his most valued treasure; his daughter, Sarah.

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