Chapter Twelve

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Hours silently passed within Delight's monastic-looking library. The aftermath of Robert and Bridgette's frantic searching still lay in piles across the floor. The vestibule of knowledge was eerily silent. The only sound was Prewitt's manicured toenails tapping the stone floor.

While no creaks or cries gave cause for concern, it was perhaps the lack of noise coming from the passage that disturbed the Prime Minister most. Prewitt knew the longer the youths were in that tunnel, the more likely they would return in a state of stubbed toes, twisted ankles and filthy attire. This was not the proper behavior of a future dignitary, even for the land of Delight. He blamed their parents for this foolish gallivanting; filling the children's heads with silly stories of the past. All this following in footsteps would end badly, he was sure.

Prewitt's stubby tail thudded on the floor where he sat, losing patience by the minute. Was he worried for them? Well, he would never confess such a thing. They were not his pups, nor had he ever thought of them as such...not often, at any rate.

Prewitt wriggled his nose and gave the order over his shoulder to the guards at his back, "Right ho, men. Proceed into the abyss and bring back the prince and princess."

Four rhino guards nodded, clutching their spears even tighter with a determined grunt. They were delighted their duties finally called for a dash of action. The kingdom was too drowsy for professional soldiers and guarding doors a sad excuse for a fighting career. It took great force of will for each of the quartet not to bare his yellowing molars in joyful anticipation of danger.

The rhinoceri marched towards the tunnel in pairs. Their heavy stomping caused a few towers of books to tumble in avalanches upon the floor. Prewitt's head waved in rhythm with their syncopated steps. There was a certain dignity about an armed guard on parade. If only they were accompanied by a team of bagpiping terriers, the effect would be complete.

Just as the guards made it to the entrance of the secret passage, a distant, rushed conversation could be distinguished. Next, the sound of racing footsteps. The rhinos peered into the darkness and then glanced back at the Prime Minister for direction. Prewitt simply lifted a paw to his left ear and listened.

The growing volume of the two voices told the company a rescue mission was no longer necessary. The royal duo was close. However, the darkness was so deep their faces only became visible a mere three feet away from the five creatures staring at the entrance of the tunnel. The young adults exploded from the passageway, causing the rhinos to dodge out of their way in speedy deference.

Prince Robert was screaming, "Don't stand there gawking! Shut the door! Shut the door!"

The four guards scrambled to obey the prince's orders, using their iron strength to push the bookcase back into place. As the passage hissed its last sigh of fresh air, the door closed and the bookshelf handle clicked back to a balanced position. All appeared innocuous and secure.

Appeared, being the crucial word.

Prince Robert crossed to Princess Bridgette who was massaging her screaming right side. He placed his hands on both sides of her face, "Are you alright?"

"Yes," Bridgette nodded. "Yes, I'm fine."

Robert nodded too, until his eyes fell upon her dress. His forehead furrowed as he picked something off her shoulder.

"What?" Bridgette questioned, trying to shake the stuff away from her person.

Prewitt padded up to them and sniffed the air. As the Princess flapped out her skirt, the dust floated to the stone floor, down to the pug's examination. He sneezed and shot a few inches backwards.

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