Chapter 4 Part 4: Monday

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<ul class="293521980400455907_214785627" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; color: #444444; font-family: arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 16px; text-align: left; background-color: #eeeeee;">

<li id="comment_293522851632894510" class="clearfix caption mycomment" style="margin: 0px; padding: 5px 4px; list-style: none; display: block; line-height: 1.5; color: #000000; background-image: url(''); background-color: #feefef; background-position: 50% 0%; background-repeat: repeat no-repeat;"><span class="commentbody">HARRY'S POV:

Management called the zoo early to warn them we all were coming. The zoo wasn't that busy anyway but management was crazy like that and they told us to be extra careful with the girls.. One wrong move and the fandom could break down. Sure we promised.. But we'd act normal anyway. Paul got some time off so another man was going to meet us today.. I'm not sure who is was yet but I figured that he would have to have some sort of badge or something. The girls got out first, leaving the door open for the lads and I. A little girl noticed us quickly and rushed over, making her whole family look. The family was a mother, a father, a daughter and a son. Or so I guessed. The daughter was probably 12 and the son was probably 11. The boy rolled his eyes and blew up on whatever bangs he had and the girl looked to her mother with the widest eyes I had ever seen. The mother rushed to get the little girl with her other daughter at her heels. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" The girl squealed and walked up to us. "Can I have a picture with you guys?" She asked and I smiled politely, waiting to see who would answer. "Sure! Common!" Liam said while the girl came over and stood in between me and Niall. Becky, Katie, and Kellie stood off to the side. I rest my hand on the girls shoulder and Niall put his hand on her back. "Smile," her mother said and we did so. Before the picture was taken I looked to Niall, I could tell that he wasn't smiling the same way he did before the girls joined us. Mine felt a little weak as well. The camera flashed and I pulled my hand back to my side. "Can you sign this too?" She asked, taking a sharpie from her mother and pulling out her phone. She flipped it over to the back and handed it to me first. "Sure.." I murmured. "What's your name, love?" I asked, trying to make it the best experience possible for her although everything I did came out halfheartedly. </span><span style="line-height: 1.5;">"Kaycey," She replied as I signed the cover. "Well Kaycey, I hope you have a brilliant day at the zoo today," I replied, handing her phone back to her. After our new body guard showed up, we were able to make it to the gates without being interrupted. Kellie was walking next to me, chatting with Katie so I decided not to be rude by interrupting. My phone vibrated in my pocket so I took it out, clicking on the light. It was a text from Louis. 'Talk to her,' It said and I looked up to see him make a 'I dare ya' face. He knew I saw his message so I didn't take the time to reply. When the two stopped talking for a moment I took my chance. "How long have you guys been friends?" I asked, they talked like me and the lads, so just about everything. Katie looked at Kellie as if she expected her to answer. Kellie looked at me, then away to the ticket building as if she didn't hear me, then back to me. "About 9 years," She said and twisted her bracelet on her wrist while Liam, Louis, Becky, and Niall laughed in the background. The three girls almost started taking their money from their pockets at the same time while we stepped into line for tickets. "That's... Amazing!" I murmured.</span></li>


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