Chapter Eight

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Nathan's POV

Tom and I were still locked in the dressing room. Everytime he kissed me, I naturally seemed to smile against it. It was sweet, unlike anything I've experienced before. He broke the kiss, looking down at me, smiling. But, I wasn't smiling this time.

"What's up Nath?" Tom asked, concerned for me.

He got up, sitting beside me on the sofa. I sighed, and started shaking slightly.

"What do you think Jay's gonna do?" I whispered as I started to cry.

"Oh Nath, don't think like that" Tom said, taking my hand, "Jay is not going to touch you. And I'll make sure he doesn't. This is OUR relationship, no one elses."

I rested my head on Tom's lap. As long as I was around Tom, I felt safe. I felt so lucky to have Tom. He looked down at me; his eyes sparkling.

"Nath, we'll get through all this, together."

I sat up, gazing up into those eyes. Smiling through my tears, I shuffled closer to Tom, and he held onto my hand, gently running his thumb over my knuckles. His soft lips pressed gently against my cheek.

"I love you Nathan, don't you ever forget that" Tom whispered.

I brushed my hand against his face; my fingers stroking his soft, brown hair. I was focused on nothing but Tom's eyes. As I edged closer, leaning in to kiss him, Tom placed his hand over my mouth.

"How about we continue this somewhere a little more, oh I don't know, private?" Tom smirked.

There was a gleam in Tom's eyes.

"We should wait; we're flying back home tonight. We'll discuss it all on the plane, yeah?" I said to Tom.

After a few minutes in silence, Tom nodded back. My phone suddenly vibrated in my pocket. I checked the message from Siva;

'hey nath, we're leaving for the airport in 2 hours so see you & tom at the hotel yeah? btw we're really happy for you 2 :)'

If I'm honest, I was quite shocked to hear that they were happy for us! Both of us had thought that if anyone else knew, the band would be over. But I guess we had to come clean otherwise Jay just wouldn't have left me alone.

"We need to go Tom. We're leaving for the airport in two hours."

I stood up, holding my hand out to Tom.

"Bagsy sitting with you on the plane!" Tom grinned, taking my hand.

"Wouldn't say no to my amazing boyfriend, would I?" I grinned back.


It was 9:55pm, and we were all sat in the airport, getting ready to board the plane. Tom and I walked hand in hand to the gate, along with the others. Everyone else, well except Jay, were happy for us both. Once we got on the plane, we wandered through to first class. It'd been privately booked, just for all of us to have a bit of privacy. That was really helpful for me and Tom. We stayed at the back of the plane, away from the others so we could have some quality time together.

We'd been on the plane for about 4 hours already, so it must've been about 2am. The plane was dimly lit, so we could only just see around. I was huddled up against Tom; it was pretty cold on the plane, so we had a blanket to share. At the time, it was mostly over me rather than Tom, probably cos I was freezing at the time. Tom had his arm round my shoulders, keeping me close to him. He wasn't alseep yet, whereas everyone else was. It was only us two awake.

"Tom, I love you" I whispered, putting my head against his shoulder.

Tom looked down, smiling at me. I felt a warm buzz as he smiled.

"I know you do, and I love you too. Just don't forget that."

He shifted his head to kiss my forehead. He kept his lips there for quite a while, so I quickly jolted my head up, forcing Tom's lips to be against mine. I felt him smile against the kiss, but the moment I pulled away, Tom wasn't satisfied. He suddenly moved, pinning me against the wall, cupping hold of my face, kissing me roughly.

"One kiss for you just..." I muttered between the repeated kissing, "...isn't enough, is it?"

Tom slowly stopped, and pulled a 'goodboy' face at me.

"You know, we shouldn't be doing this, especially on the plane with everyone around..." Tom laughed.

"It was you who started it!" I replied, laughing back.

"Right, come on. We should get some sleep; it's like, 3am" Tom moved off me, and pulled off his t-shirt.

The seats we were all sat in had the room of what seemed like a double bed, so there was the room for us both to lay down together. I pulled my top over my head, putting it on top of Tom's bag with his top. I only really felt comfortable being topless around Tom, otherwise I'm covered up. I cuddled down with Tom, allowing him to wrap his arms round me.

"I was so lost until I found you... I love you Nath, sleep well" Tom whispered, placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Same here Tom, I'm glad I've got you. I love you so much" I smiled back at him, returning the kiss.

I had my head against Tom's chest, and I was struggling to keep my eyes open, so I fell asleep in Tom's arms in no time at all...

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