Chapter Eleven

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Jay's POV

What have I done?!

I'd made a HUGE mistake! Pretending to love Siva was the most stupidest thing I've EVER done! Why? Because he's actually in love with me!! Argh! I'd cocked up big time. I realised I needed to break up with him as soon as possible, but not to reveal the real reason why I began dating him in the first place...

Nathan had gone to Bournemouth for a few days, Max had gone back to Manchester, Tom to Bolton and Seev was meeting his brother, Kumar, in London. I'd caught a train back up to Nottingham for the weekend, as I needed to just get away and of course, to see my amazing family and friends. My friend, Georgia, was meeting me at Nottingham. I'd not spoken to her about the whole Nathan and Siva incident, but I planned to. I needed some help.

The train journey was long. 2 hours to entertain myself. With my headphones in, I played 'Ne-Yo - Let Me Love You', and stared out the window. I sighed deeply, with nothing but Nathan on my mind.

I could really use some sleep...

I took my phone out, setting an alarm to wake me up in 1 hour & 30 minutes, giving me half an hour before I reached Nottingham. With the soft music playing, I closed my eyes to get some rest.


'Jay, you're everything I've ever dreamed of...'

Nathan's and my eyes were locked together. I laid beneath him, staring up at the beautiful human being that I loved so much. He looked down at me, knelt up and pulled off his t-shirt. My eyes widened.

'You like this, huh?' Nathan said, flashing one of those smiles that just kills me.

I nodded, speechless at what was happening. His lips were so close to my own, I closed my eyes.


"Jay? Jay wake up!!"

I shot up, being disturbed from the best dream I'd ever had. I sat up, pausing my iPod and looked up at who was talking to me.

"Georgia?! I thought you were meeting me at Nottingham?!" I was confused and still quite dazey.

"We ARE at Nottingham you plonk! You overslept!" Georgia replied, grabbing my arm to pull me up.

"Then why are you on the train?"

"To get you off it! Come on!"

Grabbing my bag from the shelf above, I ran off the train with Georgia.

"So, explain to me what's going on."

Georgia and I we're walking down the street to my house. I sighed, thinking about Nath again.

"Well, the basic of it is that I'm in love with Nathan. A lot... I have been for ages."

Georgia smiled, "Jay that's so sweet. Nathan deserves someone like you!"

"That's the problem. He told me he was straight the night I told him I loved him, but then he and Tom admitted they were a couple when we were in America. Nathan won't speak to me. And now, I don't know what to do..." I could feel the tears slowly dripping down my cheeks.

"Well, he's lost something great. It's his loss. It sounds like he's being rather childish not talking to you."

"Tell me about it..." I mumbled.

I didn't want much, I just wanted Nathan to be in my life. Oh why the hell did I have to fuck everything up?! We reached home & I went straight upstairs. Georgia didn't stay with me, she had to go back to her family, leaving me on my own. I sat on my bed, staring at my phone. I needed to do something about Siva and I... Sighing, I dialled his number & held the phone to my ear.

"Siva? We need to talk..."

"Jay, let me tell you something first, okay?"

"Okay..? What?"

"I-I just can't do this anymore, okay? I've met this girl, Nareesha, and she's everything to me, Jay. I'm sorry, but I just can't be with you anymore. I hope you understand..."

"Seev, mate, that's what I needed to talk to you about too! As long as we're both happy, yeah?" I smiled to myself.

"Yeah, cheers mate. See you in a few weeks!" Siva said before he hung up.

I put my phone down. Wow. That was a lot easier than I'd previously expected... But now, I have to work on getting Nathan back into my life, and possibly to fall in love with me...

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