"Whoa, Megan, looking good," Honor said as I met up with them in the hallway.  

"Thanks! Just felt like dressing nice." 

"So that a certain someone notices maybe," Suzanne suggested raising her eyebrows.  

"Looks like he did," Victoria giggled and we all looked to where Clay was with the guys. I kept my eyes down as he approached. 

"Excuse me, but may I borrow Meg for a moment?" Clay asked Honor.  

"Well... I guess that's okay with us." She smiled and pushed me towards him.  

I finally looked up and Clayton flashed me a bright smile. "You look fantastic Meg. I can't wait to see what you wear on Friday." 

"I'm still planning it out. I want it to be a surprise Clay." 

"Works for me babe," he said and took my hand in his.  

My heart sped up just by his gesture and I knew my face was really pink from blushing.  

We walked back over to our friends and all the girls gave me a secret smile once they saw us. 

"Shall we go to our class?" 

"We have science together as well?" 

"Well no, but I'm right next door to your class. I'll be waiting for you." 

"Aww," Suzanne whispered behind us. 

"Okay," was all I managed to get out. For whatever reason, when I was around Clayton, I couldn't think, talk, etc. It's as if he hit a reset button on my brain whenever he was around me.  

"I'll see you in a little bit," he said and hugged me real quick and walked into his class. 

Pierce and Honor walk into our class and took their seats beside me.  

"You guys look super cute together!" Honor gushed. 

"You really think so?" 

"I know so." 

Pierce gave me a grin. "Clay wouldn't stop talking about you yesterday. He went on and on about how beautiful you are and how excited he is for Friday." 

"See! He's totally head over heels for you Meg." 

"Hey Honor, are you doing anything tonight?" Pierce asked.  

"Well I have dance until five." 

"Six? Me, you, dinner?" 

"Works for me." 

"Great," he winked and I gave Honor a thumbs up.  

She nodded back and we turned our attention towards the teacher.  

In conclusion, the science class was a total blow off today. The three of us ended up passing notes for most of the class. I did use my time to work on some extra credit for French, but most of it required a computer.  

When the bell rang, we rushed out into the hallway and waited for the others. Clayton was, already out so I walked over to him. 

"What's your next class?" 

"Human anatomy." 

"Wow, your girlfriend is smart Clay," Richard said.  

"Yes super smart. I'll walk you to your class and we'll meet up at lunch." 

"Sounds great." 

Richard walked by me on the other side. I paid no attention to him and I heard Pierce remark, "um Richard, stop checking out Meg. F off dude." 

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