Before I could even take a step, Noel was hugging me and I had to stand still to keep my balance.

"Noel let Meg get settled in before you terrify her," Levi reprimanded and I shook my head.

"Levi it's okay, really. Noel is a treat."

Levi laughed at that, "I hope you're still saying that after spending a week with her."

"I will, I've always wanted a sister."

The house was ginormous! Just looking up I could tell that this two-story house was going to be extravagant.

"Wow," was all I could say once I saw the interior designing.

Turning a full three-sixty, I saw how everything was modern, simplistic and sleek. From the white columns and gold crowning to the maroon and brown walls. Not to mention the leather furniture. I never knew my aunt and uncle were so filthy rich!

"You guys live here?"

"Yep," Chris said and showed me around.

There were many bedrooms and I immediately imagined myself getting lost.

"This is Noel's room," he said opening the door to reveal a room with turquoise and lime green walls. The bedding was black and white with some kind of crown design. Her bed was huge! For a twelve year old, she probably didn't take up a third of the bed. She had a small black dresser and a vanity set.

"I have makeup as well," she pronounced proudly and lugged out two bags full of makeup products.

"Wow," I looked at Chris and he said, "Violet's idea, not mine."

Which did explain a lot so I didn't press. The good thing was Noel was not in any way selfish.

"Okay let's tour the rest of our humble abode shall we?" Levi said appearing beside me.

His term for referring to the house made me laugh; I followed him towards another room.

"This is my room. Simple but luxurious enough for me."

His room was white with navy bedding. he had a mahogany desk with a few things here and there on it. But what struck me the most was that he had an electric guitar with a bunch of different amps and sheets of music.

"You play the guitar?" I asked in wonder.

"Yes," he said and started playing Bon Jovi's Dead or Alive.

"You used to sit and watch me play for hours when we were younger. Do you still know how to play the piano?"

I tried to think and shook my head.

Levi smiled and pulled me downstairs towards a black baby grand piano. I sat down on the bench and looked at the music sheet. It was some Adele song but I didn't recognize it. Gingerly, I pressed down on some keys and let the sound echo throughout the house.

"Here," Levi said pulling out his I-phone and played the song.

"You used to be able to play by ear," he started.

My fingers felt the keys and I slowly found the chords I needed. Levi stopped the song and I began playing from memory. The music filled my ears and I slowly started to remember more accurately on where I needed to place my hands next.

I can't exactly describe it, but while I was playing it was like... magic or something. I loved playing. I would do it all day if I could.

After I played Turning Tables by Adele, I switched to Wait For You by Elliot Yamin. Someone came to sit beside me and I looked to see Noel watching my hands move up and down on the keys. Then the sound of a guitar filled the room as well. i couldn't get over how well Levi played. The music was in sync.

Noel asked me to then play a song that she knew. I looked to Levi for advice and he started playing Here Without You by 3 Doors Down. Slowly I found a way to play with him. Then Noel started singing. It actually wasn't that bad, so Levi and I joined in as well.

"I'm here without you baby,

you're still with me in my dreams.

And tonight girl, is only you and me."

Violet and Chris started clapping once we finished and I jumped out of surprise.

"Well done! We have a singing trio."

"You played beautifully Megan," Chris complimented me.

"Thank you," I turned to Levi, "You're amazing!"

He simply smiled, "thanks. You still need to tour the rest of the house and see your room."

I went with the rest of them to see my room. When I opened the door, I saw how spacious my room actually was. The walls were a lilac purple with an elephant gray ceiling. The bedding was a gray and white floral pattern. Everything matched perfectly.

"Thank you!" I cried hugging them.

"Wait until you see the library," Noel said dragging me towards another room.

"You have a library?" I asked and saw a room with cabinets full of books.

"Wow," was all I could say and saw a huge desk with a laptop on it.

"You used to sit in here and read all day," Chris informed me.

"I did? Wow," as I looked at all of these books my eyes flew towards a book that caught my attention.

Anne of Green Gables. I'm pretty sure I had read this but i wasn't one hundred percent sure anymore.

"This is your favorite series," Violet said handing me the whole stack.

"Hmm, I'll have to reread them again."

"Do you want to see our backyard?" Noel said pulling me once again.

"Sure did you redecorate it?"

"We got a pool!"

"Cool! Let's go see."

Their backyard had a magnificent sight. The view of mountains in the background made it even more surreal.

"Minnie!" Noel cried as the baby weimaraner ran up to her.

"She's precious!" I cooed and picked her up while she slobbered all over my face.

"Megan do you want to play dress-up now?" she asked her eyes shining bright.

"Sure Noel, why don't you go get everything ready and I'll meet you there."

"Promise?" she asked and I smiled.

"I promise."

"Okay!" she exclaimed and ran back inside.

"Have fun," Levi said sarcastically and I stuck my tongue out.

"I will. You will be begging us to let you join."

"You're on Meg," he agreed shaking my hand.

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