"I had a really great time tonight," I claimed as we walked up to my house. 

"Me too, we will definitely be doing this again soon." 

"Great! I guess I'll..." 

"Text you soon," he ended and I smiled. 


"Okay, well I don't want Levi coming out here so I'll go," Clay joked. 

"He needs to trust me," I laughed and hugged Clay for what seemed like forever. 

"I love you Megan Rene Trinity." 

"I love you too Clayton Duncan." 

He kissed me gently and whispered, "Edward." 

My smile grew wider, "I love you too Clayton Edward Duncan." 

Levi immediately bombarded me when I walked in. "Did you have a nice time? Did he try anything? Was he polite?" 

"Levi," I reprimanded and continued, "I had an amazing time, he was very polite and no we didn't do anything. Are you done questioning me?" I ended slightly irritated. Though part of me was flattered that he was this protective. 

"Yes you can go," he said turning to leave. 

"Levi," I called and gave him a huge hug. "I'll be careful." 

"I know Meg." He sighed and tilted my face up to his. "I just worry that's all." 

"Well don't, you'll get permanent wrinkles on your face if you keep it up." I teased. 

Levi chuckled and let me go, "oh Megan."

Minnie was super hyper as I got ready for bed. I'm not sure why but I couldn't stop laughing as she ran around my room. 

"Here girl," I cooed and braced myself for her to knock me over. 

Fortunately I landed on my bed and kept laughing as she slobbered on me. 

"Eww Minnie!" I squealed as I wiped off the slobber and petted her. 

She just gave me a look like what do you expect? 

I just laughed and patted a spot next to me as I laid down. She curled up next to me and fell asleep.

"Meg! There's something on the doorstep for you." Chris called waking me up. 

I stumbled out of bed and came down to the front door and gasped. There was a bouquet of white roses and a letter. 

"Wow," I murmured and had Chris put the flowers up as I read the letter. 


You're an angel and the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you. <3 


"Aww that's sweet of him," I heard Vi say to Chris. She must have seen the roses then. 

I walked back in with the card and saw Violet smiling at me. 

"He's a lucky guy Meg." 

"More like I'm a lucky girl." 

"Do you have plans with him today?" 

"Not that I know of." 

"Okay just let us know." 

I placed the vase on my dresser and texted him a thank you. 

'Welcome, love <3 see you today?' 

'Sure! Come over? Swim? :)' 

'Sounds good :) see you there!' 

"I'm going to pick up Noel, Megan." 

"Okay. Clay is coming over to swim if that's okay." 

"That's fine. Tell him he's welcome to come over any time," Chris added and left. 

"Megan do you want anything to drink?" Violet called in the kitchen. 

"Do we have any cherry limeade?" 

"I'll make some for you and Clayton."


"Cherry limeade, my favorite!" he exclaimed as we sat on the patio. 

"Mine too. Ready to swim?" 

"Whenever you are angel." 

I avoided his gaze and pulled off my shorts and jumped in. Clay jumped off the diving board and grabbed my ankle underwater.  

I screamed as he pulled me underwater and kissed him. We swam back up and he splashed water at me. 

"Very mature," was all I said. 

"I try." 

The door opened and Levi poked his head out. "Sorry, Meg you have a phone call." 



"Oh! Okay I'll be right there." 

Levi laid the phone down on the chair and I got out to answered the call. 


"Hi! Sorry, wanted to tell you about Pierce!" 

"Oh yea, how did the date go?" 

"It was amazing! Wow, it was so amazing," she continued on while Clayton watched chuckling.  

"Hey Honor," I said cutting her off in midsentence. 


"Can you tell me the rest tonight? I'm kinda busy with Clay." 

"Ohh, yea sure! Have fun!" 

"Thanks girl, bye." 

"Pierce?" Clayton mused. 


"He is in love with Honor, more than she realizes I think," he mused. 

"Is that how it is for... us?" 

He unfolded me in a hug and whispered, "we both love each other more than the other realizes."

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