Chapter 20.

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Chapter 20 ━━ Gone Cranks

Chapter 20 ━━ Gone Cranks

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Katherine, Thomas and Brenda are walking in the path of the underground tunnels. There's nothing more than darkness and a rotten smell all over the tunnel.

"Why are you helping us?" Katherine asks, pointing her flashlight around the tunnel.

"Trust me, it's not my idea. Jorge seems to think you guys are our ticket to the safe haven." Brenda replies.

"The what?" Thomas asks.

"You know, paradise. Safe from the sun, free of infection. Supposedly, the Right Arm's been taking kids there for years. Immunes, anyway." Brenda answers as they continue to walk down the path.

Katherine likes the sound of that, but she hates to think of the others. Newt, Minho, Frypan, Teresa, Aris and Chris. Where are they? Have they already made it safely away from WICKED? "And you know where that is?"

"No." Brenda shakes her head. "But Jorge knows a guy. Marcus. He used to smuggle kids up into the mountains. If Jorge made it out, that's where he'll be taking your friends.,"

"If he made it out?"

"You two ask a lot of questions."

"We're twins. You can't expect less from us." Katherine shrugs.

Brenda laughs lightly and opens her mouth to reply when a shriek fills in the air.

"Well, that doesn't sound good." Thomas mutters.

"Yeah. Here they'll be full term." Brenda says as they enter a large room with quite a few exits branching off to the left and right, more than Katherine has seen previously. It almost seems like it can be a gathering place joined by tunnels from all the buildings. She gestures in a way. "I think it's this way."

"You think?" Thomas mumbles under his breath, not entirely sure of the path Brenda is taking them.

"Do people live down here?" Katherine asks.

"The Solar Storms forced people underground. Jorge says there's settlements all over these tunnels." Brenda says.

"So, what about Jorge? Is he your father?"

"Close enough. Truth is, I don't really know what he is. He's just always been there. And I've always done what he's asked me to do, no matter how stupid." Brenda explains as they continue to walk down the path.

"So you don't think the Right Arm is real?"

"I think... hope is a dangerous thing. Hope has killed more of my friends than the Flare and the Scorch combined. Just thought Jorge was smarter than that."

Another shriek pierces the air startling the twins. Katherine immediately shines her light back in the direction from which they come, but the hallway disappeared in shadow, empty except for a few ugly streaks of water on the walls, black on gray.

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