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'i hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair.'

(MONDAY: january 10th)

—  *:・゚'come on dark and mysterious, tell me something. you can't ignore me forever love.' fred whispered sitting across from an annoyed willow who was try to study in the library for her upcoming potions test, 'i can try' willow muttered making fred grin, 'oh please you couldn't ignore me even if you tried' he replied cockily earning a dissatisfied huff from willow— 'well frederick the question is what do you want to know? the topic of myself doesn't really whip me into a verbal frenzy' she said not even glancing at him: she took her research very seriously, besides willow had absolutely no time to talk to fred weasley but it seemed like no matter what you couldn't get rid of him like the stubborn bit of mascara that never seems to wash off or that one scratch you got years ago & the scar never seems to fade. you simply couldn't shake fred weasley.

'tell me anything. your favorite band or gum flavor or how many times it takes you to properly spell anachronistic. anything absolutely anything' he explained biting into a red apple, 'my favorite band is queen and or arctic monkeys, gum flavor? tropical' willow replied packing up her books, parchment & quill putting them in her bag 'oh and once, unlike some i'm not completely dimwitted. bye fred.' was all she said before walking off and out of the library.

fred smiled and shook his head which was probably the opposite of what willow wanted, 'i'll get you one day avery' he said to himself, not planning on giving up that easily...

(WEDNESDAY: february 3rd)

—  *:・゚walking down the isle of the music shop in little old hogsmeade was one of the greatest things in willows personal opinion, rows of her favorite records & cds god it was like heaven i mean even the smell was inviting.

whilst looking at a new album by the 1975 she got a tap on her shoulder & once she turned was greeted with the face of fred weasley, her eyes rolling almost automatically. 'excuse me i hate to bother you but i seem to have lost my copy of kiss me, kiss me, kiss me by the cure, any idea where i could find another one?' willow raised her eyebrows slightly before crossing her arms, 'you know who the cure is?' she asked as fred began to walk down the isle, 'why? don't you?' he said almost knocking over a cd stand but quickly catching it.

she laughed, not sarcastically or annoyed. it was genuine & god it was beautiful, who knew a laugh could be so angelic?

'was that a real laugh or are you about to murder me? do i need to take out my wand' fred questioned jokingly then laughing himself 'i guess just this once i could spare you but not next time good sir, count your days.' she replied glaring at the boy in a playful manner 'well m'lady i would die a thousand times to hear you laugh once more.'

willow smiled & shoved him gently, tucking the 1975 album underneath her arm, 'so fred why are you really here?' the girl wandered over to a few large pits of cds

'i lost my cd, i told you this, are you going senil willow?' he said picking up a record from a shelf and looking at it 'you're so..'


'more like dense.'

'if you keep being so mean i might fall in love with you.' he said leaning over the pit of cds she was looking through, now being at eye level with willow.

she looked right back at him noticing the freckles you couldn't see from far away or the small scar under his left eyebrow oh and his brown eyes that had a little green in them.

it wasn't just willow who noticed new things about fred— oh no he to noticed things about willow.

he noticed how from the minute she laughed her right eye scrunched up more than the left or that she'd always wear the same small braid in her hair that you could barely see or even something he had noticed a few times.

that she was absolutely breathtaking.

a few seconds went by before she spoke again 'mean? i'd use honest. bye weaselbee' willow finished, shoving something into fred's chest which he caught before walking out of the music shop, the bell giving a little twinkle.

he turned and leaned back on the shelf then looking at what she had shoved at him.

a smile began to form as he realised.

kiss me, kiss me, kiss me by the cure.

10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU .ıllı. F. G. W.Where stories live. Discover now