Hewwo!! Welcome to a new story by me! This story is kinky but also cute. Please enjoy it!! (Josh is autistic in this story, and I myself am autistic so it is heavily based off of my experience as an AFAB person with autism.). - Achilles 🥀
————————————————————————————————————————————————Kuza POV:
I checked my phone. Only ten minutes until I've got to pick him up. I'm nervous. I decided that I'm going to tell him. Right, I should probably explain. So my boyfriend of three months, Josh, doesn't know about any of my lifestyle kinks, and I think that I finally have enough courage to tell him. Like I'm just scared of how he's going to react; he seems too innocent to know anything about that sort of stuff. I don't wanna scare him off, because I really, really like him. Like a lot.
Also I know that Josh is quite awkward about physical contact. He's autistic, and isn't a fan of that sort of stuff, most of the time. But I try to accommodate his needs as best I can. I know he trues to not make a big deal of it, but it's a big thing to me, as I want to be able to properly care for him.
I just wanna kiss him whenever I see him and hug him and I just really like him. I glanced at my phone again. In the time it had taken to admire my love, ten minutes had passed. I've got to go and pick him up. I'm taking him to the park, for a picnic. Once we've eaten and whatever, I'm gonna tell him. I'm honestly very nervous to tell him, but it's for the best. If he isn't comfortable with it, then it's best for us to separate. I want what's best for him, and if that means him being with someone else, then so be it.
I made my way to my car and turned on the engine. I put some slipknot on the stereo and drove to his house. I texted him to let him know I had arrived. Not five seconds later, his cute lil face appeared at my window. He waved, before running round to the passenger side of my truck. 'Hey sweetie!' I smiled at my baby.
'Hiii!!! I missed you!!'
'Missed you too!'
I began driving us to a local, but quiet, park. I had packed us a basket full of food that Josh loves. I could see him bouncing up and down on his seat in the corner of my eye. This is partially what I mean about him being too innocent for my kinks. Like, he's just too baby, y'know? Besides he can't sit still to save his life. I don't mind though, because it isn't his fault.
I felt a hand on my shoulder. 'Hmm?'
'Mikeeyyyyy. Stop ignoring me!!' Josh grumbled.
'Sorry honey, I'm trying to focus on the road.'
'Uh. It's ok, but don't ignore me still.'
As sweet as he is, he can be a sassy little fucker sometimes. 'Sorry. I'll make it up to you on our date, ok?'
He grinned cutely and nodded.
'We're here anyways.' I told him, looking for a place to park. I quickly found a spot; the lot was empty, save one or two vehicles. I shut off the engine and climbed out. I opened Josh's door, and picked him up, putting him on the floor.
He pouted.
'It's a big step for a little boy like you.'
Josh pulled a face. 'Sorry honey.'
'Is ok.'
'C'mon then.'
I grabbed the basket out the back of my truck and locked it. Then I reached for his hand and held it tight. I led him to a secluded spot by the lake. There were cherry blossom trees, in season, and the gorgeous pink petals were floating down slowly. Very romantic. Josh kissed my arm and I looked at him. 'Pretty!' I hummed in agreement. I picked up the blanket from the top of the basket and laid it on the floor.
'Shoes off kitten.' I told him. I watched as he pulled off his black trainers and sat cross-legged on the blanket. I placed the basket next to me, where I sat. I got out two plates for us. I put a sandwich and some fruit on his plate, passing it to him. I then poured him a glass of lemonade. Josh made grabby hands for the drink. 'Ask nicely.'
'Please can I have my drink??' He pleaded, doing puppy eyes at me.
'Oh, how can I say no to that face? Here.' I passed his drink, watching as he took a sip. He happily dug into his meal, carefully biting into his food. He eats very delicately, I've noticed. It's cute though. I put some sandwiches on my plate and began to eat.
'This is so good mikey!' He smiled. I grinned back.
'I'm glad ya like it. And... I got chocolate cake, as a treat for both of us.'
Josh clapped his hands happily and then went back to eating his food. I watched as he ate. He's too damn cute, I honestly just can't. I wanna just squish his face and cuddle him. 'You wanna squish and cuddle me?'
'I- um.. fuck. I didn't mean to say that out loud.' I muttered. Josh grinned and gently pinched my cheek. I couldn't help but smile at that. Precious baby.
'Cake now?'
'Cake now.' I confirmed. I pulled out two pre cut slices and passed one to Josh. He excitedly unwrapped it and bit into it, moaning. 'Good?' He moaned again. I bit into mine and I could instantly see why he reacted like that. My sister had baked the cake for me, so I didn't know what it tasted like.
We both finished eating relatively soon. I packed the items back into the basket and pulled Josh down to lay next to me on the blanket. He rested his head on my shoulder and I wrapped one arm around his waist. 'Umm. Josh?'
'I have something to tell you.'
'Sure. What is it?'
'Please don't be freaked out or disgusted or anything.'
'I won't Mikey, don't worry.'
I took a deep breath. 'Ok. So. Basically, I'm heavily into BDSM, and when I have a partner, I often act as a Master. Do you know what that means?'
'No-not really. Can you explain?' He was looking down at his legs, playing with one of his sensory toys. I could tell that something was a little off with him, but I just nodded and told him what he wanted to know.
'Of course. It essentially means that I own them and I am the ultimate authority, I tell them what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. It's a big part of my life. I totally get it if you hate me now, and never want to see me again.'
Josh let out a little laugh. 'Well... um, I'm actually into DD/LG. I'm a little.'
I smiled. 'I know sweetie. I knew when I first met you.'
Josh looked confused. 'How???'
'Can't tell you that.'
'Don't sulk Mr.'
'Sorry. Umm.. Mikey. Can I like .. er, call you Master?'
I could feel myself going red. 'If you want to.'
'I do wanna!'
'Then you can.'
'Thank you master.'
Thanks for reading!!! Please comment, vote and leave suggestions 🖤. See you next time or I'll cry - Achilles 🥀Word count - 1251 words

My love for you - Kuza x Josh
FanfictionA Master/ Daddy kuza x little/kitty Josh. Slow updates. In this story, Josh is autistic. I myself am autistic, been diagnosed just over a year, so is heavily based on my own experience as a AFAB person with autism. Please comment and vote! Enjoy...