8. Zan: I didn't see that coming...

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Making my way to the chief communications room, the last minute warning meant I had no time to change out of my lab gear. Besides I was already a disappointment to my Father so I didn't see the point in cleaning up my appearance. I had long given up on trying to impress this difficult man. If he couldn't accept me for what I was then why bother?

I sait down in the chair next to the screen. The screen flickers into life as his face becomes visible.His facial expression was what I expected a frown dipped in the air of failed expectations.

"Father, what brings you on this fine day?" I could not resist putting a big smile on my face to raise his ire to almost breaking point. It was petty of me but it would be the only time in the communication where I had the upper hand. It did not last long.

"Enough pleasantries!" He boomed, face reddening, "such insincerity plays havoc with my digestive constitution."

Three seconds before he mentioned a health complaint, by the red sun's light, this was going to be bad.

"I will be brief, since I will be needing to lie down after this news," even with the delay in the signal from the distance, my spine chilled in an instant, "Zanthric, Your constant defiance over the years has vexed me greatly. Yet I kept on hoping that your hobby would be nothing but a passing phase, a folly of youth that you would grow out of."

"It is not, I assure you a passing phrase." I said, resisting the urge to beg, "if you would only see the reports. Read them rather than getting a servant to summarise. You would see a breakthrough is only a matter of time."

"Time is something we don't have! How can I keep face knowing I have a son who not only refuses to obey me but fails!"

"I promise you a breakthrough is coming." I said through gritted teeth. It was a lie, a pathetic attempt to delay the inevitable, "there has been some success, it did not produce anything viable but-."

"Enough!" My father raised his voice, so much I was surprised I did not fall off my seat. Thank the red sun no one else was in the room, they wouldn't see me jump, "you have been indulged for six cycles. Six cycles too long in my opinion. The mothership is thinking of ordering Thera's return."

"What?" I said, this was news to me, "but we've barely started the Earth relation programme! We cannot give up now. Not before we get results."

"Yes, About that," my Father flicked his hand, "We have been talking, The board has come to the conclusion that Earth is too uncooperative between its people. I am inclined to agree. Why persist with a planet too stubborn to be open to improve?" I tried to answer his question, opening my mouth before realising that he didn't want to listen to what I had to say, "Plans are being made for withdrawal within an Earth month."

"This is the first time I have heard of this!" I said, rising from my seat in horror. When had this plan been decided? What of the crew? Then I felt Thera's fear, it was as if a storm had erupted in my head. They must never know the reason why Thera must not rejoin the mothership.

"If you are concerned about the few unions formed do not trouble yourself," my Father said, as if this was the only matter that worried me.How i wished it was. "The couples formed will have a choice to stay with us or rehabilitate back on earth. All uncoupled females will be taken back home and the Bioship will return to be assimilated to the mothership."

"No, Zan, please don't let them do that." Thera echoed in my mind.

"Is there another way?" I said, while trying to calm Thera. The lights dimmed and I hope my Father didn't notice me talking to the ship. For once my Father's self absorption played in my favour. I could only assume that he had learned this attitude over the years. Maybe it was a self defence mechanism? He was my grandfather's third son and never meant to inherit the title.

"And what my son do you suggest we do? When we've all but exhausted our options?"

I shook my head, "I don't know," I said dejected, "if only one pod would open. Then there would be some hope. If a couple could form a link with Thera. The only couples have not displayed any abilities. Maybe the children will though." Thera might be dead before that happens, I thought, daring not to utter it out aloud, "but there are not enough willing participants. Not those who are suitable in any case."

Then my father smirked with a smile I did not like on him, "Zanthric, are you forgetting something?"

Surely he wasn't even contemplating it?

"I'm exempt from making a match." I reminded him.

"Exceptional circumstances have overruled your wishes," my Father Said, "the board believes that if you wish to keep the programme and your ship, then you should participate in all aspects of the mission. Believe me this isn't what I want for you either. I gave myself a headache arguing against it."

It couldn't be! I was too old at forty cycles. I had failed every courtship I attempted, so much so That I was told Xeran Females sighed with relief when I had been finally withdrawn from the dances, not that there were many to begin with, I was that bad. Now it looked like I was going to be subject to humiliation one more time.

"I came here to work to find a solution, not to find a bride." A futile attempt to change my Father's mind. Pointless, as the decision had not been made by him but the faceless members of the board.

"I've no doubt you'll fail so do not concern yourself," My Father said, with a familiar sense of confidence, "you will be on a ship back here when the month passes. The minor families have expressed interest in marrying to improve their status. I am sure they will not care which of my son's it is."

I knew he meant what he said. I had no choice but to participate. With a heavy heart, I agreed to my father's plans

"I knew you would," he laughed, "you have one Earth month to make a match or the evacuation goes as planned. I will look forward to your progress in that time." The screen bleeped and went blank.

Now my father couldn't see, I could finally curse. It provided no relief, nor did putting my head in my hands. Perhaps getting intoxicated on moonwine would?

Tomorrow I would be treating this ship like, what did that human female call it?

A knocking shop? Yes it would be exactly like that.

Liana's Ship (#ONC 2021)Where stories live. Discover now