Tiny Miracle

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Taylor drove home with a all too florescent glow on her face. She rushed home before Joe got off work. She planned to tell him in a extra special way. She picked out a special outfit for the occasion. She called Joe who was still at work, filming for a new movie. He was on break when his wife called him on FaceTime.

"Hey tay!."

Joe waved at his lovely wife who was clearly glowing. He couldn't bring himself to know why. He picked up her call every second after what happened with the baby because she couldn't be left alone.

"Hey babe!. Are you free?."

"Of course. Is everything okay?."

"I got home from the doctor. It turns out that I don't have a stomach bug or the flu."

Joe was slowly getting relieved when he heard that she was going to be okay. After her near death experience, he's been a up tight worry wort over everything.

"What's going on?." he asked with his usual concern tone of voice

"Nothing really, nothing that won't go away in nine months. My love, I'm pregnant. I swear that this is real, like for real. This isn't a drill. I have the babies ultrasound pictures and heartbeat on a DVD."

Trigger warning - - suicide

Joe couldn't believe what she was telling him. He was so happy. He was finally going to be a dad. Something he's always wanted.

" I can't believe that we're going to be parents again. This is the best news ever. Please let me tell our parents this time."

Taylor got anxious again. Joe could see it in her face. He remembered how excited everyone was for them.

He sighs "I won't tell them my dear. You won't be able to keep it a secret forever. Much like you, you're parents will figure it out sooner or later."

Taylor remembered how destroyed her parents and in laws were when they lost their baby the first time around. She didn't want to put them through that kind of pain again.

" I at least want to tell them once I start showing."

" I should be home soon. Do you need me to call abbie or Blake, or sel to keep you company til then?."


"I'll give sel a call."

Joe face time sel. Selena answered the call. In the middle of filming her new in home cooking show with her family.

Selena answers "Hey J what's going on?. Is everything okay?."

Joe replies "I'm working late tonight and I don't want her being left alone."

Selena knew why Joe had called her, what he was concerned about. This time last year her best friend tried to take her own life after they lost their baby.

She tried to get her some help. Taylor finally agreed to go somewhere to work on her mental health. She was born to be on this earth.

Thankfully Taylor never succeeded at her suicide attempt. She shook her head at that memory. It was a dark time in her life. She had officially hit rock bottom. The press didn't help either.

She was out of control. She couldn't control the headlines which was why she disappeared. She misses her fans the most but they understood. Even though some fans thought she was dead. It all happened so quickly.

Her reputation was destroyed. Her baby was gone. She had nothing left to hang onto. She found hope again. Joe was her light at the end of the tunnel. She repaired the cuts and patched the scars on her body.

She came up with the quote there will be no explanation there will just be reputation.

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