Over The Rainbow

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Taylor was still enjoying most of her pregnancy but she didn't like that she was puking up almost everything she ate, she slept all the time. She couldn't sleep comfortably. She tossed and turned most of the night. She couldn't stand certain smells like fruits, veggies, or sweats.
She couldn't even tolerate cooking in the kitchen so Joe did what he could to make her feel better. He even held her hair back when she got sick, rubbed her shoulders. He knew that they couldn't keep quiet about it now that she was showing.

She was showing much sooner than expected. So far everything went well. He even saw the baby's parts.
They found out that there having a girl. He couldn't wait to meet this precious angel.

He'd finally have a mini Taylor running around the house. He helped build the crib in the nursery while she slept.

Taylor woke up, having to pee again for the millionth time today. She waddled to the bathroom, went right back to sleep.

She fell asleep just about anywhere. Poor Joe had to put a few blankets down for her in case if anyone started to ask questions.

Taylor felt awful. Her bra didn't fit, her boobs were sore, she couldn't even bend over.

Joe went in to the room to check on his wife. He wrapped his arms around her baby bump, kisses it.

"How are you feeling babe?."

"Awful. I haven't been able to get any sleep. I can't keep any food down."

"is there anything I can do to help you feel better?."


He gave tay a small back rub. She knew that he was just trying to help but she wasn't in the mood.

Her hormones were a hot mess. She was a wicked bitch when she got mad over the little things. She tried to control her rage.

Her farts were even worse. Joe never shunned her for farting out of no where. He knew that her body was going through a lot of different changes.

He was supportive and gentle with his words. He also couldn't wait to share the news with family, and friends.

"Tay, my love. We won't be able to keep this a secret much longer. You can only do so much press control."

Taylor knew that Joe was right about that. She was aware of the press these days. She checked her social media accounts quite often.

"We'll tell them once we find out the gender."

"Sounds like a good idea my love."

"I think that you're fans will die." Joe chuckles warmly because he knows the swiftie fandom well.

"More like rest in peace me, I died dead." Taylor laughed

Joe loved hearing Taylor laugh. It was music to his ears.

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