Halfway There

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Word got around of Taylor's pregnancy. She couldn't hide it. Her belly just popped right out. She had to buy a whole new wardrobe. She hasn't been sleeping at all, at least not comfortably. She had another doctors appointment that Joe had to miss because of his filming schedule. She texted him the updates. She hated that he couldn't be there for her or there baby. It was best to go separate to avoid a mob of people at the clinic.

She was on her way home when she had to go pee again. She stopped at a nearby gas station that was only a few blocks away from the house.

She made it inside without being noticed. She got some food now that she can tolerate certain snacks. She's tired of the consent heart burn, constipation.

She didn't mind it. Cause the baby was growing. She wrapped her hand around her belly, feeling it kick around like a tennis ball.

She thanks the lord for this wonderful gift. She never wanted kids in the first place. Her mind was changed. She drove home, sat on the bed, balancing a empty cup on top of her stomach like Rachel did in friends.

She cleaned up the house, tried to do some dishes but she got tired after the first load.

If only she had more energy to keep this place clean. There was so much to be done.

Joe had a few weeks off from filming. He spent most of his time getting things ready for the baby. He helped Taylor paint the nursery now that they are having a baby girl.

They disagreed on which color they should paint the walls. Blue or a soft pink. He wasn't a fan of pink. He never won when it came to fighting with his wife. He often let her get what she wants.

This time they agreed to paint the wall purple and blue. She added some flowers, and a rainbow, a sun.
They never got a chance to build a room for the last baby. The final touch was the crib. That's when everything felt real.

That this baby was coming home with them. They weren't going to leave the hospital empty handed.
She stood by the crib, placed the other hand on top of Joe's.

"It's okay."she whispers softly to him

" We've been through so much. She's not even here yet."

"I know. My mom says, after every storm there is a rainbow."

"We should put that quote next to the rainbow."

Taylor picked up the smallest brush, wrote "After every storm there's a rainbow."

a rainbow baby Where stories live. Discover now