Pink Or Blue

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Taylor has been planning a very special gender reveal announcement for everyone on her Twitter. She begins to type her hands began to shake, shiver with nerves. The last post was the day she lost her baby. She was a mess. Her fans gave her a lot of love and support. So did other moms. This time was different. She could feel each kick, as the baby moves around in there. It says "Don't worry mom I'm still with you. I'm not going anywhere. It's going to be okay. I'm fearless just like you."

She shared the news on Twitter and ig. Of course her post was the number one trend. She scrolled through some of the comments. They were very sweet. It made her tear up. Joe was the first one to like her post.

Her phone blew up, as her parents texted" Another little girl on the way. Congrats. We are so proud of you." that part was from her mom.

She was more anxious about how her parents felt about her keeping it a secret from them. They understood why. She didn't know how the rest of the world would react. It was something that she couldn't control. It was all up to god now.

She rubs her belly, whispers "Now the whole world knows. You're the number one trend on Twitter, we've gone viral on ig."

She felt more butterflies flutter around. She knew that her angel was fearless, and strong.

Joe was at work when he was tagged in Taylor's announcement this morning. Which almost broke the internet. He was thrilled that he no longer had to keep this a secret. Considering how the last one ended.

His co star Emma Robert's was happy for him. She replies to Taylor picture, and shared it on her story.

"You ready?." Emma asked him

"Yes, I'm ready."

"To be a daddy?."

Joe was scared to admit that he was nervous about being a dad. He was still sad about the little baby boy they should of had. He can't keep holding onto the past. He had to look ahead. Be strong enough for Taylor. She needed him. Even though he needed her. He never showed his emotions very well.

He wore his heart on his sleeve.

"I'm excited to be a dad. I just hope that we have a better outcome."

Emma saw the sorrow in Joe's eyes, despite the fact that he tried to hide it from her.

"this is a blessing. When it's meant to be everything will work out better than the last one did."

"Thanks Em."

"Anytime Jo."

"Congrats on the new addition."


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