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My back already aches from the weight of my satchel and the bag in my hands. The sun went down just a few minutes ago and I'm already waiting on the outskirts of town for my travel companion.

As I wait, I go over the list of things we need again, to make sure I haven't forgotten anything. I have my sword, the book, a pot and a pan for cooking, as well as a few pieces of baked bread, a mat to lie down on, some shirts and pants, a hairbrush and some firewood. A deep inhale makes my shoulders hurt a bit, and I'm silently wondering if I brought too much. I don't even know how long we'll be gone, how far we'll go or what will happen once we find the dragon.

With just the two of us, I'm pretty sure we can't defeat it, so we'll need enough for both ways. I don't have too much.

I look up at the sky, the stars are shining especially bright at the moment, and my heart is pumping faster and harder than ever before. I'm practically shaking with excitement, and even more so when I see Tane's silhouette appear by the edge of the town. Then it dies a little when I see he's not alone.

It's obvious that the other person with him is Tilda once they get a bit closer, because she's hanging onto his arm like her life depends on it, and he's grinning like crazy. He stops a few meters away from me and turns to her, holding onto her shoulders as if he's telling her something important.

"If we don't make it back, please let the Master know the dragon is out there, even at night," he says, looking at her.

I scrunch my nose up a little, and tilt my head, sighing exasperatedly before looking towards the houses in the distance to see if I can see the white head of hair I'd like to say goodbye to— but no luck. I shake it off and decide not to comment on the moment the two are having, and let them be.

"But you're coming back, Tane, I know it," Tilda replies, running her hand across his cheek to pull a string of his blue hair that didn't make it into his braid away. She then turns to me with a careful smile. "Take care of him."

Tane bursts out laughing, before forcing himself to practically choke. He clears his throat and nods my way.

"I promise," I tell her quietly.

"Alright, off you go, then."

Tane kisses her cheek and they turn red instantly, before he walks the last few meters my way and picks up the bag in my hands. He swings it effortlessly over his shoulder, before continuing to walk away.

I wave at Tilda, sending her a careful smile, before trying my best to keep up with Tane through the green, slightly charred, fields.

"So, you figured out she likes you?" I ask once she's out of earshot.

"Yeah," he mutters through a pleased smile, "she's kinda neat."

I want to roll my eyes at him, but I can't help but feel happy they're finally getting together. It makes me worry just a tiny bit less that Tane probably has something he wants to come back to Vale for, making me sure that this isn't a suicide mission. It probably still is, but the chances of him fighting to get back are a tiny bit higher, which makes me smile.

"How about you and Mina? Anything happening there?" Tane's voice booms through the silence after a while, and I try to shrug, but the weight of the satchel prevents it.

"I don't see her that much anymore," I admit, turning my head to look at the shrinking town behind us.

Tane does the same and chuckles at me, before looking ahead and up towards the stars. He probably wants to ask some more, tease me or just tell me I have nothing to lose, just like I did with him and Tilda, but he keeps his mouth shut. Which I appreciate.

Spawn of Evil | ONC 2021 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now