Natsu and the Council's Meeting Part II

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"Now let's see if those rumors are true." After a moment of silence nothing happened. Lahar, then broke the silence voicing out his words.

"Nothing but filthy lies from the guard dog of-"


The sound of thunder was heard throughout the room, followed by an anguished scream.

"Natsu!" Mirajane cried out to ho him covering her eyes from the debris.

Everyone watched him in horror as black thunder struck through the roof and into the meeting room, down towards the slayer.

With just a brief moment it stopped before another lightning struck him, with more force and power again and again and again. His screams, now turning into a roar.

Then silence befell the room with Natsu standing in the middle with black static electricity moving around his body. His attire torn and shredded.

"Natsu!" Ezra called out to him but no response came, then they noticed him leaning forward into a fall.

Just as the two were about to run towards him, until they heard a loud stomp coming from him forcing them to stop in their tracks. Everyone looked at him in complete shock.

Natsu Dragneel, former ranked one of the Spriggan Twelve, and the Emperor's Salamander, stood there with his head held high, shaking the electricity off of him.

"It'll take… More… Than… A little lightning… to kill me… Haha…" Letting out a sickening smile, that sent chills and shivers to the entire room. Everyone stared at him in horror knowing that there was a man who survived that, and cracked a smile in the face of death.

Everyone whispered amongst themselves the word 'Monster.'

“You have their attention, Natsu. Now, tell us who is the Emperor of Alvarez?” Gran Doma said.

Silence filled the room. “Emper- No… Zeref. But in your country you know him as ‘The Black Wizard Zeref.”


Everyone in the entire room had fearful and horrified looks on their faces. The man they were all up against, was the most powerful wizard, The Black wizard, Zeref of Immortality who’s lived for over four hundred years.

“No that can’t be?” Everyone snapped back to reality and faced Lahar who was beyond anger, he was in a full rage. Coming out from his seat he marched down to the man in cuffs.

“It has to be a lie! After his appearance on Tenrou Island he never showed up again after seven years and still hasn’t shown himself yet. We marked him down as dead after Acnologia destroyed the island. And here you are, saying that Zeref is alive and well in another country, who was at war with us for these past four years? THE Black Wizard Zeref himself?” He pointed towards the slayer then he looked back at everyone who gave him a questioning look but hesitated to answer.

“How can we tell he’s telling the truth? Gran Doma if I were you I’d go to Magnolia and drag his daughter here to- Gughlkl!!!”

In a split second, Natsu held the councilman Lahar in the air by his throat. Shocked by what he’s doing to a councilman everyone was silenced and did nothing but watch. The Guards rushed towards the man with their staves pointed at him. On the other hand Makarov looked at him confused yet curiously. The cuffs that were on him had… Melted?

“Choose your next words carefully or they'll be your last words I’ll scratch on your tombstone…” His words were full of murderous intent; it had Lahar’s blood run cold with his face becoming pale as his white uniform. He was in absolute fear from the beast in front of him.

“Kuhh! F…uck! Y…ou!!” Lahar managed to get his words out from having his throat slowly crushed in the slayer's hand.

“Natsu Dragneel that is enough…” Natsu glanced over at the chairman who made eye contact with him and soon after he dropped Lahar who gasped for air.

“I’m sorry chairman, I lost my temper there.”

“No need for apologies, it was my fault for not realizing that Lahar would resort to using such tactics. Please forgive me.” Gran Doma bowed his head but Natsu panicked seeing as the Chairman had bowed his head to a person. Earning a few talks about him that he shouldn’t be bowing his head to him.

As things began to die down, Gran Doma spoke. “With that done and out of the way.”

The present~

"Natsu Dragneel, I hereby grant you and your daughter citizenship of Fiore." The fairies that stood behind gave a sigh of relief along with joyful smile on their faces.

"However, there was a condition…" Their sudden joy was ruined by those few words.

"You will take on the title of Wizard Saint and prove your Loyalty through hard work and services towards the Kingdom of Fiore." His gruff and deep voice shook the entire room before slamming his staff down, allowing it to echo repeatedly through everyone's ears.

The Fairies were shocked to hear that, but they did not like the idea of him becoming a wizard saint. They all knew the council wanted to keep him on leash and have some of his movements restricted. "Will you accept my condition?"

Everyone waited for his decision from the man and…

"I accept…" Not a hint of hesitation was shown. "I accept your condition." Everyone gaped at his answer.

A smirk formed the chairman's face. "Then in a week's time, we will send you a letter about your power testing to see where in the ranks you will be placed. Do you have any objections?"


"Then that concludes the end of this meeting. You're all dismissed." With a wave of his hand, one by one the holographic council members disappeared.

"Mr. Dragneel please, this way…" The amphibian council spoke out, leading Natsu and the Fairies to another room.

"Lahar!" Mest shouted out. "The hell's wrong with you!?" Shoving him in the shoulder.

"You know this better than ANYONE, that messing with him is a one way ticket to death! Even worse, everyone in this building and the townspeople will be dead too! Have you lost your mind!?"

"Enough Mest… I've already learned my lesson and I'm ready to face the consequences…"

Mest stood there in silence watching his friend walk down the hallway. 'That face doesn't tell me you have…'

The last look Mest had seen on Lahar was pure rage. His aura dropped drastically, and it was growing with every step he took the deeper he went.

The Fairies and Natsu were all walking back to the train station. Seeing how the scene was replayed… Again.

As soon as the lot got into the train, Natsu immediately turned into a green mess. His skin colour went right down from pale to green to purple then back to green with puffed cheeks.

With a sigh from the scarlet warrior and a couple of giggles from the barmaid and the master they rode the train with a smile on their face and groaning and upsetting stomach noises ran through the cart.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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