Natsu and the Council's Meeting Part I

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An hour and a half ago~

The fairies were brought inside with Natsu standing in front of an empty hall. Lahar and Mest brought their 'prisoner,' towards the podium.

"Don't try anything funny, otherwise it'll be you and the fairies in prison." Lahar threatened ong with Mest's glare.

Natsu said nothing but gave a mischievous smirk with a small chuckle, clearly pissing off the two councilmen.

"Why you-"

Lahar halted at the sound of the doors opening at the top of the grand stand.

Magic Council's Chairman. Gran Doma.

He was a tall elderly man with long grey hair and beard. He wore an armour plated chest piece over his torso and a cape draped over his shoulders. He also wore a hat that matched that of a wizard. And finally he carried a large magic staff that stayed by his side.

"Lahar... Mest..." His voice boomed across the room. Making his way to sit in his chair.

Both Lahar and Mest and along with the fairies bowed their heads in respect of his presence.

"Do not cause any sort of trouble here in this meeting. I was very disappointed to hear that you caused a scene in town while I was away." He spoke.

Lahar was shocked and spoke out. "But-"

"I do not want to hear any excuses Lahar! It was you, who raised a hand on a person no younger than a ten year old child. Even worse, you deliberately tried to harm her in front of her own mother and the townspeople." Gran Doma was fuming, letting his anger out at Lahar who only stood there in silence with his down. With a frustrated sigh he spoke once more.

Lahar was furious, only because he knew that the slayer's holding in a laugh.

"I will deal with you later as well as finding a suitable punishment for you. But for now..." The elderly man gazed behind Lahar and looked into the eyes of the man who stood in the centre.

"Who is this?"

"Sir!" Mest stood up waiting for the chairman to give him permission.

"You may speak Mest."

"Thank you sir. This is Natsu Dragneel Ranked First of the Twelve Spriggans in Alvarez. We also know him as 'The Spriggans Salaman-"

The sound of a staff slammed onto the ground echoed throughout the room causing everyone to flinch, excluding Natsu and Makarov.

"WHY IS SUCH A MAN HERE IN ERA! WHO BROUGHT HIM IN! SPEAK!" Gran Doma boomed in anger and fear, knowing the many rumors of the Salamander was enough to bring him to shake in fear.

Makarov stepped forward with his usual smile. "I did." His tone of voice was filled with joy and brought Natsu and the young women to snort.

"Makarov! You dare bring him here!? Do you have any idea who this man is!?"

"Indeed, I do." Makarov said plainly.

Gran Doma sat there in silence for a few moments, then he sighed, scratching the back of his head. "You must have a good reason why you personally brought him in then."

Makarov said nothing but nodded, then he faced Natsu, giving him the que to speak.

"Chairman, I wish to only speak about sensitive information that will be of great help. But in exchange I have a favor." Natsu spoke in a formal tone, bowing his head to show respect.

Causing Lahar to snort in the back. "Pfft! A favor what makes you think that we'll-"

"Lahar... I did not grant you permission to speak, so sit there and be silent." Gran Doma yelled in anger. Immediately he sat there in silence... Along with little giggles and laughs from the Fairies and the Slayer.

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