A Stranger and his Home -Part II-

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After that whole event with Fairy Tail, Makarov brought the two to a lone hill that looked over Magnolia. They spotted an old cottage that was surrounded by trees. Upon the entry you could see both the lounge room and the dining hall. On the right side, it came with a double couch and a small coffee table in front of it as well as a fireplace. On the left side was the dining hall, it had a simple and round dinner table and next to it was a small kitchen with a sink and a stove.

Natsu thought that it was the perfect place, while on the other hand Nashi thought otherwise. Only because the place was filthy. It was covered in cobwebs, extremely dusty and pitch black with no light source anywhere. The windows were all boarded up, not to mention that Natsu had to bust the door down just to get in because it was bordered up from the inside. There were also a few small plants growing in between the cracks of the wooden planks from beneath the floor.

"I'm sorry that the place is a bit of a run-"

"No. This is perfect Makarov. Thank you." Natsu turned to face the old man and bowed to him, followed by Nashi who mimicked her father. The young girl kept making small and fast glances to her father then back to the floor. Then back to her father once more, making sure that she was doing it correctly.

Both Makarov, Wendy and Mirajane couldn't help but chuckle at the young girls mimicry. "Raise your head boy..."

Natsu did as he was told, and so did Nashi. "This here is Mirajane Strauss, our guilds barmaid, as well as one of the Fairy Tail's Aces. Here, she will assist you in cleaning this place as well as being your guide around Magnolia."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Natsu. Just as the Master has said, my name is Mirajane Strauss. But you may call me Mira for short. I look forward to your company." Mirajane introduced herself placing her right foot back and bending her knees whilst raising her barmaid dress together with a bow of her head.

Nashi saw what she did and tried to copy her movements and her end result, was falling back on the floor with her butt after attempting to cross her legs and bending her knees at the same time.

"Owie." Nashi gently caressed her sore bottom, with tiny tear droplets form in the corner of her eyes. Once again the same group chuckled at the young girl's remark, but Gajeel kept a stern and grumpy look on his face.

Natsu looked towards the iron dragonslayer who still held that stern look, then glanced towards the younger girl who looked away from him with a slightly terrified look, still not use to look at him. He sighed then turned to the two of them. "Give me time to clean up this place then I'll explain more about dragonslaying that might help you."

"Cut the crap and just tell us what you wanted to talk to us for?"

"Like I said before, once I've cleaned up, then I'll give you a full explanation about what I know about dragonslayers." Natsu spoke in a tone with power emitting from him. And slowly the Fairy mage backed away.

"Fine. But don't waste my time here. How long will this take you?"

"Well judging by the look of it." Natsu checked his surroundings of the house and estimated the time it'll take for him to be done. "Not very long is all I can say, maybe an hour or two."

"Okay. Then I'm just gonna be outside waiting then."


"W-We'll help too!" A young girl with dark navy blue hair stepped forward with a broom in hand. "Mirajane and I can do the lounge room and the kitchen and you can focus on your bedrooms."

The young girl spoke with a bit of shyness but still managed to speak to him with a bit of courage.

Natsu smiled and placed a hand over her head. "Thanks, I really appreciate it. If you need a hand with anything just ask okay." The young girl blushed and bowed, hiding her flustered cheeks she began to start sweeping in the kitchen area.

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