Nashi and the Book -Part I-

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Two days passed and the house was in great condition. Mirajane had shown both father and daughter around Magnolia, Natsu was already familiar with the place but Nashi was sad that there wasn't a park that was close to their house. Although, she was happy that they could sleep on an actual bed.

Natsu sat up and stretched out his arms. "Well I gotta make breakfast for li- hmm?" Looking down at the bed beside him, he noticed a small bump underneath his blanket.

Raising the blanket revealed a little girl clutching to Natsu's shirt with her thumb just out of reach from her mouth. The young girl's pink hair was a mess, she looked like she had just come out of the wild. She had a small and gentle smile on her face as a drool left a trail down from her mouth to the bed sheets.

Natsu smiled at his little girl. "Hehe when did you sneak into bed." He said softly poking her cheeks. "Nashi it's time to wake up... We have to get ready before Mirajane and Wendy comes to pick you up."

He poked her cheek again and the reply he got was swatting his fingers away. He poked her again.

Nashi yawned, stretching out her arms and leg before relaxing. Her eyes barely opened. "It's... Too early Pa." She turned away from her father and fell asleep again.

"I know it's early but Pa's gotta go with gramps to see some very important people. So I won't be here to take care of you." Natsu said and instantly, Nashi turned over and hug her father's side tightly. "Hmmnn... Don't go." She replied, clearly not liking the idea of her father leaving her with strangers. "It won't be long Nashi I'm only gonna be away for a few hours or be back before sunsets."


"No 'buts' okay. Now come on get up and get ready while I go make breakfast." Natsu stood up and patted his daughters back and she replied with a pouty groaning from her.

Natsu walked down the hallway and into the kitchen. To his surprise he could already smell bacon and eggs already being cooked. He walked into the kitchen and to his surprise, Wendy was there cooking them breakfast.


"Kyaa!" She lost her footing on the stool, almost dropping the spatula.

"S-Salamander-san! Y-You scared me."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that. But please call me Natsu no need to be formal also..." Natsu walked up to Wendy with a soft smile. "I abandoned that name the moment I left Alveraz."

Wendy stood there in silence for a moment, looking at the man in front of her. She doesn't know why but, when he said those words it almost felt like there was a bit of sadness there.

"Your eggs are burning." Natsu pointed towards the smoking pan.

"Ah! No!" She hurried over to the pan trying to get the egg onto a plate with the bacon there ready.

Natsu casually walked towards the table and sat there. Wendy came in and placed three plates on the table one for her and the other two for him and his daughter. And at the same time Nashi came down with a sleepy expression.

"Good morning." She said walking into the kitchen.

"Morning." The two at the table replied.

Nashi groggily searched for her fork eventually she found it but now she was having trouble trying to get the egg onto her fork. Natsu let out a small chuckle and he looked at Wendy. She was staring down at her burnt eggs. Her face had a very shameful look just staring down at her failed breakfast .

Natsu looked at her and simply swapped plates with the young girl. Just when she was going to speak up, Natsu raised his hand in front of her.

"Come on let's eat."

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