A Twenty-One Pilots Shirt-Part 4

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Because of popular requests, I made another chapter of this story. I'm kinda really interested in it now so a new chapter should be out in a day or two enJoy!!

When I woke up her head was laid on my chest. My neck propped up against the arm of the couch.  I slithered from under her, my naked body cold, and exposed. I quickly head up the stairs. As I cringed at my freezing wooden floors. It was so quiet in the house so the creaking of the floorboards was so noticeable.
The door of my bedroom was still open as I went in. Wanting to climb in bed and sleep forever. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand. Checking over my notifications. I see a voicemail naively. I opened it.

"Sasuke- I" I knew who the voice belonged to. I paused the voicemail and immediately I threw my phone on the bed. His voice was so heavy and his breathing was ragged. The voicemail was sent this morning probably after his morning run that's all. I walked from my room needing to shower. As I was walking around my house completely naked.

The tile of my bathroom was colder than the floor in my room. I turn on the shower closing the door. As the steam of the shower slowly fills the bathroom. I get lost in the warmth of the water. I wash up quickly before stepping out into the freezing air again. I need to turn on the heat. I walked quickly to my room. Frantically picking out anything that would cover my body.

Once I did I went over and grabbed my phone again.
My hands were trembling. I heard a clack realizing I had dropped my phone under the bed. I reached down to grab it. Next to it under my bed was a tee shirt. I picked it up and examined it. It was Naruto's shirt, the one he left that day.

Flashbacks of that day invaded my mind like a plague. The way his eyes looked at me as I sat between his toned legs. The way his kisses had me falling apart in his hands.  My mind did wander to the day after that as well. In the treehouse. How his hands held me in place and a gaze that I could never forget. The answer I gave him that day was I crazy?

"No! No! No! No more Naruto, no more kissing, no more of any of it." I stood up throwing the shirt in the hamper like all the others. I can't let a stupid shirt have power over me.
As that happened I heard the door close and my phone buzzed.

Jordyn: Last night was fun. We should do that more often. ;)

I threw my phone on my bed. Walking downstairs the place was a mess.

"Looks like I have some cleaning to do."

*Naruto's POV*

I woke up with the sun. I've always loved the serene calm of the early morning. I always woke up just before the sun could peek out from the houses in front of me. I crawl from my bed into the shower.

As the steam from the water-filled my vision. I took my time in the shower this morning as my head was achingly empty. My brain needed something to attach to. I thought back to Sasuke from yesterday. Meeting his new girlfriend Jordyn and all.

Though I couldn't find a reason why I cried on the walk home. I got dressed quickly, throwing on a tank top and some basketball shorts. I'd started working out recently. Dad told me I was getting pudgy and kept poking my stomach. It annoyed me quite a bit so mostly out of spite I started working on my figure.

I like to run at least one lap around the neighborhood.
Just so I could feel content. My run was usual just taking in the morning air as the sun found its place in the sky. Sweat dripped from every pore on my body.
All my clothes started clinging to me. Which happened to be a bit uncomfortable.

"Good Morning brat, still up early as always."

"Good Morning Grandma Tsunade." I chuckled at her.
She isn't my biological grandmother of course. She just took care of me and Sasuke a lot when we were younger. Usually when our dads had to work really late.

"Thinking about it I haven't seen the little emo brat in a while. Did you guys have a fight or something?" She asked Turning her head looking for an answer.

"Oh- it's nothing like that. He's just been busy is all." I put up my hands almost defensively.

"Oh well okay." She said it like she was almost worried. I smiled at her to reassure her. Waving to her as I continued my run circling back to my house. I decided I'll call Sasuke. We've been best friends for years. We shouldn't be this awkward around each other.

"Please leave a voicemail after the beep." So he didn't answer my call. I check my watch. Yea it's way too early for him to be awake.

"Sasuke I realized we haven't hung out in a while we should go somewhere. You should bring your girlfriend too. It'll be fun. Get back to me when you can." I hung up unlocking my door with my key.

I texted a friend of mine. I needed a favor from her. I'll show Sasuke I don't give a shit about him or his little girlfriend. She came over hastily and she owed me a bunch of favors anyway. I hugged her letting her in. She pushed me off of her telling me I was sweaty and that I smelled bad.

"So what do you need." She asked her hand resting on her hip.

"I need you to be my fake girlfriend." She smiled with an evil glint in her large doe eyes. I knew I could count on her. She already had a plan.

*Sasuke's POV*

The house was clean finally. Once I was proud of my work I walked back upstairs. Flopping on my bed. I look over sheepishly at my phone. Before grabbing it and letting the Voicemail play out fully. Does Naruto want to hang out?

He wants me to bring Jordyn along too. Something seemed almost suspicious about the invitation. Though I was quite curious about the blond's sudden request.


Me: So where are we going?

Naruto🙄: Hm I was thinking the mall?

Me: The malls fine for us

Naruto🙄: Okay we'll meet you there around 3ish??

Me: We?

Naruto🙄: yea I have someone I want you to meet.

Me: Okay we'll see you then.

*Not Texting*

I racked my brain for who Naruto could be bringing. I never really. Seen him hang out with any else but me. So I guess that means he actually has other friends. This sent mixed feelings to my stomach. I looked over at the shirt in the hamper. Maybe I should wear it just to spite him.

 |NaruSasu/SasuNaru|  OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now