A Twenty-One Pilots Shirt 2(SFW)

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Hey loves I made a Part 2 of the first one-shot hope you like it. Also kinda need suggestions so feel free to comment.

At first, the silence was comfortable but now it was too quiet. I couldn't handle it. I had to get out of there. I was too focused on leaving and I didn't bother to put on my shirt. As I was about to close the door to his room.

"I guess I should get going." He lifted his head and looked at me.

"Uhh, I guess see you later." It was so awkward talking to him. I closed the door looking at it for a while then walking away. I walked out the house with no shirt on so the cool gentle breeze was a big contrast to His warm cozy house. I walked around the corner to my house. Dad always worked late on weekends so I have the whole house to myself.

I slipped off my shoes before running up the stairs into my room. I plopped on the bed exhausted before deciding to shower. I got dressed plopping on my bed again. Then my brain went back to earlier. Sasuke...
I was quite confused about the whole situation. Was he angry at me or was he embarrassed I didn't know what to do? I needed to talk to him about it. He was the only one I could talk to.

Naruto: meet me at our treehouse tomorrow.

Sasuke: What time

Naruto; you answered :0,umm 2pm?

Sasuke: okay.

My heart raced he was willing to talk to me. I thought he hated me but I guess we're okay. I went to sleep immediately. I was so happy to see my best friend tomorrow. Especially to talk about yesterday.
I woke up in my bed, the sun shining on my tan skin. I picked up my phone checking the time. 11:46 okay we have a couple of hours that's okay.

I got dressed quickly before I ran downstairs to eat lucky charms(aka just eating the marshmallows out the box.) As a kid, I sat in front of the tv and watched the Saturday morning cartoons. Hmm, I guess it was a little childish. But I like to call it being in touch with my childhood. It reminded me of the time Sasuke scolded me for only eating the marshmallows. I hope we're going to be okay.

That morning I thought a lot about losing Sasuke. How different life would be, how lonely it would be. Today I had to make sure Sasuke was happy. Finally, 2 pm rolled around, and I made my way to the treehouse. As I walked up the steps I heard light squeaking. He's already here. Of course, he wouldn't dare be late.

I pulled myself up sitting in the rickety old treehouse. Looking over at him he didn't say anything and neither did I for a while. But then I finally spoke.

" I remember when my dad first built this for us."

"Yeah, I remember you getting your head stuck in that log," Sasuke chucked. I felt so happy hearing Sasuke laugh for some reason. It echoed through the room and his voice bellowed.

"Those were the good old days," I confessed.

"Yeah, I remembered the time I dared you to kiss that frog."

"Well I mean twenty dollars is Twenty dollars," I said to him, shrugging. For the next 30 minutes, we sat there reminiscing about our childhood. All the dumb stuff we did all the stuff we believed. I watched Sasuke's eyes light up more and more as we unlocked old memories.

The whole time I was hyper-focused on Sasuke. His facial expressions, his eyes. That thing he does where he taps his finger on his thigh when he gets excited. How he subconsciously got closer to me as the conversation continued. I've known Sasuke my whole life but at this very moment. I saw how he raided such a beautiful warm glow.

He was beautiful. Nonetheless, I still had my reasons for bringing him here. "Sasuke...so about yesterday." As I said that his bright glow seemed to fade into one of embarrassment and guilt. I could see it on his face. He was uncomfortable. "Look I don't understand what happened yesterday, but why did you run away?"

"Because."To my surprise, he answered. He'd usually just stay quiet but he must be confused too.


"Why'd you kiss me?"He retorted. It was a valid question but I didn't have a valid answer.

"I don't know...l-" it was the truth I didn't know. But I did really wanna know as well.

"Why'd you run?"

"Like I said because."He was getting irritated.

"Because of why."


"Because W-"



"I don't have to explain myself to you."

He got up brushing off his shorts before storming toward the hole in the floor that led out of the treehouse. Before he could climb down I grabbed him. It was subconscious. He turned to tell me to let go but I gripped his arms tighter. I pulled him and he fell directly into my lap.

He turned his head away trying to pull away from me. But I kept him grounded in my lap. I took my free hand and grabbed his face, turning him towards me. " I'm tired of you running away please just talk to me."

I pulled him close to me, hugging him he struggled for a second before giving up and leaning on my shoulder in defeat. I relaxed my grip as he turned his body. Putting his legs on the sides of my hips.

"Okay." he whispered into my shoulder. But I heard him loud and clear. I wrapped my hands around his waist and he tensed but then relaxed into my touch.

"This is all my fault I kissed you and it made things awkward. I'm sorry." He only answered by placing his forehead on mine. No longer speaking. There was this sense of intimacy at this moment. I looked down at his pink lips; they looked so soft and small. But I'd learned my lesson.

I cupped his cheek in my hand. He tried to pull away but I kept him in place. I looked into his eyes and softened staring into mine. He seemed so at peace.
So beautiful there was this glow about him. "Can I kiss you?" I blurted it out without thinking. His face turned red and he looked away. I thought he would say no but he looked at me again nodding.

It was a simple peck but I let my lips linger on his for a second. This had a sense of familiarity but it was also so different. My hand dropped from his cheek. I never knew anything so I asked questions Sasuke would usually call me stupid or a dobe. But still, I continued to ask them.

"So what are we now." I asked thinking he would say I was stupid for not knowing. Though deep inside I know he didn't know either. So he came up with an answer.

"We can just be best friend's who kiss sometimes."

Hey guys it's Lani tell me if you want me to continue this story or not. Of course, I'll be posting other one-shots in between but just wanted to know.

 |NaruSasu/SasuNaru|  OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now