Being the new kid

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The cold air bit at my cheeks as I slowly paced to the school.

I walked into the school when suddenly welcomed by the warm air which I quiet enjoyed.

I walked to the attendance office window and was greeted by a older woman with dirty blonde hair and horn rimmed glasses.

"Can I help you" she asked me looking down at her clipboard.

"um, yes, I'm new here and I would like to have my schedule please." I told her in a polite matter.

It seemed that whenever I talked to people who were older than me, I talked in a more polite way.

She looked up and stared at me, then handed me here clipboard.

"Sign your name and then I'll give you your schedule for the day"

I nodded and then grabbed the board.

She then handed me a white piece of paper and said "Have a nice day" as she smiled at me.

I looked down at my schedule and groaned at the first class, Math. Ever since I could remember, I have always hated Math or anything involved with it.

I walked down the empty hallway and into classroom.

Luckily, everyone was too busy to even care that I was even there or even tried to acknowledge me. I then handed the paper to the teacher which who seemed actually very young looking. "thank you" she had told me and then I took a seat in my new desk. I had felt a tap on my right shoulder as I turned around to face a girl who had red hair and freckles who seemed very friendly.

"Hey, your new aren't you?" she asked scooting closer to hear my answer.

"Is it that obvious?" asked her looking at her straight in the eyes.

She replied with a slight nod and flip her curly hair to the side.

"I'm Linda" she said reaching to shake my hand but quickly so the teacher wouldn't catch us.

"I'm Lia" I replied and let go of her hand.

"Well,Lia you should come sit with us at lunch" she told me sounding more serious.

"Ok" was all I said then returned to face the front board.

Lunch came around and I did sit with the little perky red head.


The day had gone by quickly an before I knew it, it was after school as I walked towards my car I noticed a figure by the side of the school. I then realized that the figure was Austin.

His arm was wrapped around a girl with blonde hair and leaned against her. My mind was focused on him but was then interrupted by a small voice which was Linda.

"Whatcha looking at?" focused on who my eyes were on.

I looked in the other direction and down at my shoes.

"No one" I lied.

She then changed the subject

"So we should totally hang out" she stated and grab lip gloss out of her bag.

"Ok" I said and began to walk away but she then grab my arm.

"Wait, I need your phone number so I can call you"

I gave her the number and walked away but I couldn't help but try to look back at Austin but he was already gone.

Austin's P.O.V

After school I went to go find Kaitlyn because I still promised her that I would go to the movies with her.

I grabbed my backpack and walked outside. I looked around to then find Kaitlyn, I came up from behind her and then grabbed her waist. She giggled and turned around, I wrapped my arm across her shoulder as she talked to me about her day.

I gazed off as I put my hand in my butt pocket and pulled my backpack off my shoulder.

"Are you even listening?" she said looking annoyed.

My eyes looked into hers.

"Sorry, it's just I've been really tired"

"oh, we'll we can cancel the movie till Saturday" I could noticed the sadness in her voice.

I pulled her chin up so she could look at me.

"I promised I'll make it up to you"


"Promise" I assured her as I gently pressed my lips to her and walked away.

Authors note

Hey guys :) so I don't know I should make the chapters longer or not so comment! Thanks -Melanie ;)

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