Coming to Utah

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Hey guys,this is my first time writing on wattpad and I hope you enjoy it:) - Melanie ;)

Please comment!

Lia's P.O.V

"HURRY UP LI,YOU ONLY HAVE 5 MINUTES!!" my mother called from our now abandoned living room. "I'm coming" I said carrying the last box out of my room as I took one last look and closed the door. I sighed, I'm going to miss this house, it held lots of my childhood memories and also reminded me of my dad. Dad passed away five years ago in Iraq and my brother, Jeremy, didn't take so well. He didn't eat, or went to school for months and my mom started to notice. I grabbed the brown box and headed outside. "Lia" said a voice as I turned in the direction of the voice realizing it was Jeremy. "Yeah?" I said. "Do you need some help?" he asked. "Umm..sure" I said as he reached over carrying the box. As crazy as it seems Jeremy is only 11 but acts older for his age. Sometimes I think of him as my big brother rather than a sibling. " Shotgun!" He yelled running over to my old beaten up truck and throwing the box inside. I rolled my eyes and got in the driver's seat.

We live in West Yellowstone, Montana but sadly my mother had gotten a new job in Utah. We were driving on the deserted freeway meanwhile Jeremy turned the nobs on the radio and turning the volume loud. I was concentrated on looking at the road so I didn't really mind. As I stared at the road, my phone started to ring loudly, I grabbed the phone out of my pocket and ignored it. I guess it was my mother calling to make sure we were okay or that we haven't crashed into something since my mother was very protective over me and my brother. After three agonizing hours of constantly looking down the road, we were here. Utah, as what people say is the "Morman Capital" which is true after passing seven churches in every street we passed. To me , it seemed ,Iike a very calm and collected town which I didn't mind since we practically live in a small town all our life.

As we drove through our street, I looked at the houses nearby and thought of how nice and quaint they seemed. "We're here" I told Jeremy taking off my seatbelt and climbing in the backseat over various objects and tipping over. "You're so clumsy Lia" Jeremy told me helping take out the boxes and setting them on the ground. "I know" I said back, putting down my coral colored lamp on the truck. Jeremy had already took everything and was carrying it into the house. I heard my mother's voice inside the house then in moments I heard Jeremy's realizing I was still outside. When I pick up the last box, it slipped out of my hands and was about to fall. I then felt a pair of strong hands catch it and set it back on the truck. "Thanks" I mumbled "No problem" said a deep voice back to me. I looked over to see a boy around my age with dark brown, shaggy hair wearing an American Eagle t-shirt and dark denim jeans."So I guess you're my new neighbor" he asked but made it sound more like a question than a statement. "I guess" I replied looking down at the concrete ground and shuffling my feet. I have to admit that I've never really talk to an attractive boy before let alone one that was actually talking to me. He cleared his throat interrupting my thoughts "I'm Austin" moving his hand from right pocket to shake my hand. "I'm Lia" I said reaching my hand from the box and reaching to touch his hand which I have to admit made me nervous. As our hands met, my stomach was full of butterflies even though we've just met. As his cold hand wrapped around mine,he stared at me with his emerald green eyes. "We are you from?" He asked me. "Montana" I said smiling back just to be friendly. " Cool, well if you need any thing, were just next door okay?" He told me backing away slowly. " Okay" I yelled from across the white picket fence as he was now gone.Okay, I thought, thinking back on the event I had with Austin, I think I'm going to love it here.

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