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Everyone has a reason for everything they do.

Waiting has never been an issue to Chaeyoung, she knows that Mina is a person who likes to do things in a time frame, she's organized. She does things in certain ways like how she ties the curtain back in Chaeyoung's place.

Obviously, the best part of Son Chaeyoung's life right now is her constant, Myoui Mina.


Chaeyoung had her usual day, she picks up Mina at 7 in the morning, has breakfast, and bid her goodbye. She spends most of her day working hard and patiently waiting.

After a long day, Chaeyoung sat in her office. Looking at nothing but air, she's just waiting to see the girl who meant the whole world to her. Mina walks in, she's in her dress and she barely has make-up on but every time Chaeyoung sees her she feels like she's seeing a princess.

 Mina walks in, she's in her dress and she barely has make-up on but every time Chaeyoung sees her she feels like she's seeing a princess

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CY : "Omo what a delight, Myoui Mina has returned." She smiled.

And Mina smiled at her, she's used to this kind of greeting from Chaeyoung. Sometimes it sounds like she's joking, sometimes it sounds serious. It just hard for her to tell which is which.

MN : "Gaja?"

CY : "Uhmmm isn't it weird? You're alone? Why isn't there a tall person following you today?"

MN : "If you're talking about Jeong, she went out with Nayeon."

CY : "Huh??? She did???"

MN : "Well I don't see any reason why not. Jeong is nice just not the part where you guys bet on someone."

CY : "Aish, guess that's it for me."

MN : "Pabo.." She whisper.

CY : "Huh? Did you say something?"

MN : "Pabo!"

CY : "Ehhhhhh?"

MN : "Next time if you're gonna bet on something leave me out of it!"

CY : "Why are you getting worked up?"

MN : "Because you're stupid enough to say you'll stop pursuing me!"

CY : "Wait, what?"

MN : "Pabo! I thought Jeongyeon is the stupidest here. I told you, right????? I like you, pabo!"

Chaeyoung chuckles it's not the first time she heard Mina say it. It just rarely happens it always feels the same way it did the first time. Mina was not having any of it, she's not in the mood to joke around so she decided to walk away.

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