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Nayeon wakes up to this warm orange hue, the first thing she notice was the curtain flying out of the window. It seems like her wife has opened them again, but it's okay. She loves the chilly weather and it seems like spring has finally arrived.

Then the older girl turns around only to find she's alone in bed. Jeongyeon's probably in the living room doing something. She slowly got up and stretches, carefully she walks out of the room, and there she found her wife swaying as if she's dancing. Nayeon just stood there adoring these dorks.

JY : "You two better watch out for each other, no fighting." She said to her twins.

One was still sleeping in her embrace while the other sits on the ground playing with legos.

JY : "You have to stand up for each other no matter what and of course your appa and eomma will be with you."

Nayeon tries hard to stop herself from making a noise, she wants to laugh but at the same time, she likes how Jeongyeon is dorkingly giving one of their daughters a pep talk. Something that just made her fall more in love with the girl.

Out of nowhere one of the little girls grabs a piece of lego seemingly on her way to put it on her mouth. Quickly Jeongyeon got down on her knees and grabbed it.

JY : "Nah-ah, are you hungry Yun-yeong? We have to wait for mommy but we could grab some snacks, Yun-hee? She said looking at the other girl who just opened her eyes

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JY : "Nah-ah, are you hungry Yun-yeong? We have to wait for mommy but we could grab some snacks, Yun-hee? She said looking at the other girl who just opened her eyes. It'll be our secret because if mommy knows she's gonna ask me to sleep on the couch, and you don't want that right?" She said cutely.

YH : "Appa, appa!" She said cupping Jeongyeon's cheek.

Nayeon chuckles and Jeongyeon quickly turns around.

NY : "And how long have you three started having snacks without eomma?"

The taller girl stood up and the two little girls grabbed on both of her legs.

JY : "Not that long......" She looks away.

NY : "Ahhh you won't tell me. Then Yun? Yeong?"

The two girls lift their fingers, one with four and the other with 5.

NY : "Ehhhh that means you've been giving them snacks since they started eating solid food, Yoo Jeongyeon?"

JY : "The doctor said it's fine. And it's not like we eat that much."

NY : "You sure? From what I remember the snacks container is always empty."

JY : "Okay, okay, we're sorry." She vows and the twins unknowingly followed her, thinking it's some kind of game. "It's just we didn't want to wake you up."

THE BEGINNING OF OUR END [2YEON]Where stories live. Discover now