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When Hinita and the King got to together yes, I was jealous, but there was nothing I could about it, besides Hinita looked so happy.

That was until today.

He still wore a smile on his face, but it wasn't as bright, and everytime he was with Kageyama he looked scared.

I wanted to ask if he was alright after he came out of the bathroom, but he left without a second thought, and even forgot his gym bag.

Sugawara asked me to take it to him, so that's what I'm doing. Walking to Hinita's house.

Once I get to his house and knock on the door his mum answers and looks at me with a puzzled look.

"Hello ma'am, Shoyo left his gym bag at Volleyball practice. Is he here?" I ask bowing. It honestly felt kinda nice calling him by his first name, but I can't just keep doing that.

"He's actually not home yet, but thank you for bringing it back." She replies with a smile very similar to Shoyo's.

"It's no problem."

She gives me another smile and waves while closing the door.

I turn around, and start walking to my house.

When I get home I take off my shoes, go to the kitchen to make food, and once I'm done cooking I sit at the dining table.

I go to my room after taking care of my dishes, and lay on my bed.


Saltyshima🍰- Hi hinita.

Human Tangerine🍊🧡- Hi. What's up?

Saltyshima🍰- I just wanted to check in...

Human Tangerine🍊🧡- Wow, I didn't know you cared.

Saltyshima🍰- Shut up, just tell me how you're doing.

Human Tangerine🍊🧡- Fine.

Human Tangerine🍊🧡- I'm doing alright. What about you?

Saltyshima🍰- I'm pretty good. How's everything with the King if you don't mind me asking.

Human Tangerine🍊🧡- Peachy.

Saltyshima🍰- Alright. Well, Gtg.

Human Tangerine🍊🧡- 'Kay Bye...


What does he mean by peachy? Is he actually okay, or is he lying?
I need to find out one way or another.


Saltyshima🍰- Hey, I know I just texted you, but I was wondering what you're doing tomorrow.

Human Tangerine🍊🧡- It's fine. I'm going to Kageyama's house tomorrow, why?

Saltyshima🍰- I was just curious. Thanks.

Human Tangerine🍊🧡- Np...



Looks like I'm going to be spying on Hinita and the King tomorrow.
A/N: I'm sorry it's so short and it took my a while, but I hope you like it anyway.

Word Count: 440
(Including the A/N)

Have a good day/night.

Bye! <3

Wish | TsukiHina | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now