Just Friends? II T.N

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Draco, Blaise, Theo, and I decided to head to the courtyard yet again during the weekend. The large tree had become our hang-out spot, The boys hopped up first, Draco and Theo reached down to pull me up. The tree wasn't exactly spacious so I would normally just sit in between Theo's legs and lean against him. 

I was getting comfortable when Theo grabbed me and pretended to push me off the tree causing me to let out a small scream. 

I turned around and slapped him on the arm. "Shove off Theo!" I screamed at him while Theo, Draco, and Blaise all laughed, I joined in at the end. 

"Ahhh I'm sorry darling." He made a cute pout at me. I gave him a quick peck. I turned back around and leaned my back against him, he crossed his arms over my chest. 

"You guys should just date already," Blaise laughed at us. 

"Hell no! He's insufferable." I joked. 

"Yeah, no way she's just way too conceited for me." Theo teased back. 

The four of us continued chatting and joking as always. After a while, I took out my wand and started making apples grow from the branches all around us which we started throwing down at first years that would walk by. 

Now it was turning dark, Draco and Blaise hopped down off the tree first, they reached out their arms to help me and I hopped down next to them followed by Theo. While we were walking back one of the girls from the Beauxbaton school walked by us. All three boys turned to look at her. 

 "Pathetic." I coughed. 

The girl seemed to love the attention and she stopped in front of Theo. "Hi, I'm Celeste." She smirked at Theo coming closer and extending her hand to him like a Princess. 

"I'm Theo." he flirted back with her taking her hand and kissing it. 

I furrowed my brows at the gesture. I walked beside Theo. "And I'm y/n, and we were headed somewhere," I told the girl in a sarcastically nice tone. 

She glared at me. "Ok, so keep walking." She spoke back to me in the same sarcastic nice tone. 

I heard Draco and Blaise stifling laughs beside me. "I wouldn't if I were you," Draco told her. 

I scoffed, "Hey honey, I said he's not interested in you, So back off." I spat at her stepping even closer to her. 

"I think he can make up his own mind...Honey" She spat back at me turning to face Theo and giving him a kiss. 

My blood was boiling but I could see Theo was in a trance, practically dribbling all over her. I took out my wand and pointed it at her throat. "Drop the Veela act now, I won't ask twice and don't you dare try anything. " I instructed. 

"Woah, y/n." Blaise started coming towards me. 

"Don't you dare touch me Blaise." I shouted at him and he stepped back. 

She threw me another furious glare before stepping back herslef and walking away accepting defeat. I saw Theo shake his head and look at her walking away before looking back at me confused. I angrily shoved past Draco and Blaise and kept walking towards the dungeons. 

Once we arrived I started to walk up to the girl's dormitories. "What the hell was that?" Theo shouted at me. 

"She was messing with you so I stopped her," I replied calmly turning back around to continue walking up. 

"You shouldn't have done that! We're not dating remember? I can be with whoever I want! Quit being Jealous!" Theo shouted back at me. 

I stopped on the stairs. I sighed before I turned around and walked back down the stairs. "Oh really? do you really mean that? You're ok with me just going around and flirting and kissing other guys then?" I shouted at him now walking up to him.

He hesitated to answer. "Well....yeah." he finally spoke. 

I nodded at him before I turned towards Draco and walked up to him and gave him a passionate kiss. I felt Draco try to pull back but I pulled him back towards me and grabbed his hand and placed it on my ass. He placed his other hand around my waist. We continued our heated make out for a good while. 

"STOP IT!" I then heard behind me before I felt a couple of arms separate us. Theo was staring at us both furiously. 

"It was all her mate." Draco lifted his hands up defensively but still wearing a smirk. 

"How about that then?" I confronted Theo.

"Can I have one?" Blaise spoke smirking at me. 

"Gladly." I played along shoving past Theo to walk towards him. 

Theo grabbed my arm to stop me. "Don't do that!" He shouted at me. 

"Quit your jelous act! We're not dating remember?" I repeated his words to him shoving past him and finally walking back up to my dorm room leaving Theo speechless. 


The next morning I woke up relatively early, I tried to go back to sleep but failed. I got up and got dressed and made my way outside. I thought I would just sit in the common room for a while and wait for everyone else to wake up. 

While I was making my way down I noticed the fire was on, I then spotted Theo sitting on one of the couches. I thought about going back up to my room but one of the stairs creaked and it was enough to alert Theo of my presence. 

"y/n." He whispered. 

"Hi," I whispered back. I walked all the way down. "Listen, Theo, about last night, I'm sorry I-" I started just wishing we could forget it all. 

"No, y/n wait." He stopped me. I looked up to meet his eyes. "You were right. I didn't mean what I said last night. I thought we were just friends but I couldn't sleep at all last night, I kept thinking about you and Draco, I had to come down here just so I wouldn't kill him...The point is, I don't want you to be with anyone else, and I don't want to be with anyone else." He started explaining to me. 

"So what?" I teased him making him say more than he needed to. 

"So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I want you to be my girlfriend, and no one else's, just mine. And I'll be just yours." he continued explaining nervously. 

I placed my hand on the back of his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss. "Ok," I whispered in between the kiss. 

We heard clapping which made us break the kiss, we turned to see Blaise and Draco in their pajamas cheering at us. "Finally!" Blaise screamed. 

Theo and I started laughing. "You got lucky mate, I was gonna have a go if you weren't, that kiss last night really did something to me." Draco joked to Theo throwing a cheeky grin at me. 

Theo stopped laughing and started chasing Draco up the stairs. 

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