She's off limits || T.N

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y/n Malfoy, y/n and Theo had always had special conncetion which they had with no one else, but things were complicated given Theo was Draco's best friend and everyone in the whole school knew Draco Malfoy's sister was off limits.

Theo and I opted for skipping herbology today, we loved skipping class and spending time togther. Theo and I had been friends for years, Draco being one year older than me met Theo first and as soon as I got into Hogwarts I became friends with my brothers friend group too.

People assumed that because Draco was an ass to everyone, he was probably an ass to me but he was the opposite. He was incredibly protective of me, even when at home, whenever mom and dad would fight or things were tense at home he'd always try to make sure I was distracted. He took care of me and I loved him for that.

"Come here." Theo and I had found a broken fence around the quidditch pitch that we used to go in when we wanted to hide from everyone else in the castle.

"Count of three." I proped my arms up as he grabbed my waist ready to give me an impulse so I could hop over.

"1,2,3!" He lifted me and I hopped over. I patted myself down as I waited for him to hop over.

"C,mon." I started walking to one of the towers.

"Draco's gonna be so mad at us." Theo laughed as we walked up the stairs, finding a small opening so we could see the outside but we weren't too visible to any of the teachers.

Draco hated when Theo and I skipped classes without telling him, Draco was actually a really good students, and he was incredibly smart, much more academically gifted than Theo and I. But Theo and I found it hilarious when Draco lectured us about needing to be in class and how Theo was a bad influence on me.

"So who are you taking to the Yule Ball?" I asked Theo. It was something that had been on my mind for a while. He hadn't asked anyone and the ball was only a week away so I couldn't help myself but ask him.

"Oh umm, I was kind of hoping we'd go together." I looked up at him and he was scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"My brother's not gonna like that." I stifled a laugh not really knowing what else to say.

"So is that a no?" he asked.

"No, I'd love to go with you." I smiled. I felt butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked me after a few minutes of silence.

"Spit it out Nott." I scooted closer to him.

"Hypothetically, if Draco approved of it, would you consider going out with me?" He asked.

I admit I was surprised to hear this, and I couldn't help but smile. "Hypothetically, I think I would." I answered. His head popped up as if not expecting my answer.

"Really?" His smile grew wider.

"Yes, but hypothecially speaking of course-" I joked. "even if my brother approved, I'd still go out with you." I maintained eye contact with him this time.

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