It was me II G.W.

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TW// Blood, Cuts

It was my 7th year at Hogwarts, things were almost over. I'm not gonna lie, even though I wasn't exactly academically driven, being at Hogwarts had brought me the best memories of my life. Especially when it came to plotting with the Weasley twins. 

Although I was better than them at keeping a low profile, and they took all the credit for ideas we all formed a part of, I knew that ultimately I didn't want a job at the ministry, I didn't want a boring office job. I wanted my life to be surrounded by happiness and laughter. 

Fred and George had told me about the money Harry had left them from last year and how they were planning on using it to open up a joke shop. 

"It'll be called Weasleys' Wizards Wheezes." Fred proudly announced. 

"Well you know, of course, that can change if you'd like a part." George nervously asked.

"Right, and what will it be? Weasleys' and y/l/n Wizard Wheezes? Not that nice of a ring." As much as the idea tempted me I knew it was a big risk and I needed more time to think about it. 

"We can come up with another name-" George began.

But at that second I felt as if someone had tied a rope around me and pulled me back, making me slam my back and head against a pillar behind me. "8 inches!" I heard Umbridge's voice as she walked past us, that hideous smile on her lips. 

I saw anger in George's eyes as he saw me rubbing the back of my head in pain. "You old hag," George muttered under his breath. 

Umbridge stopped in her tracks, turning around, the smile was gone and anger filling her eyes. "Who said that?" She eyed all three of us. 

None of us said a word but she walked straight up to George. "It was you wasn't it?" I knew what kind of punishment came from even the slightest "mistake" and she wasn't going to go easy on this punishment. 

"It was me!" I quickly stood up. "I said that." I took the blame. 

Umbridge walked towards me. "That's not true it was me!" George looked at me angrily. 

"NO! It was me!" Fred raised his hand proudly taking the blame. Both George and I eyed him causing him to put down his hand. 

"Don't listen to them, they're trying to protect me. It was me, I called you an old hag...because that's what you are." I added, knowing that that was all it would take for her to finally pick a victim to punish. 

"Mrs. y/l/n, come with me." She began walking off, I followed behind her. I avoided looking at George knowing that he would never forgive me for taking the blame for this. 


Once in her office Umbridge told me to sit, then she passed me her infamous pen. "Well dear, since you think it's okay to speak in such a rude manner I think there's really one way to make you understand how that can hurt someone." She giggled 

God if only I could punch her right now, I thought to myself. "What should I write?" I didn't want to spend any more time than I had to in here. 

"I want you to write, I shall not speak like an Arse If I do not want to be treated like one."  She giggled. 

I stifled a laugh. "Fine." I began writing. Only a few seconds that all too familiar burning sensation coursed through my hands, but this time it was different, I could feel it all up my arms, both of them. My breath hitched. 

"Oh yes, I decided to give you one of my new pens, I hope it will help the message sink in better." She widened her smile at seeing the visible pain in my eyes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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