I nearly died II C.D

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All people would talk about nowadays was Harry being a cheater and Cedric Diggory being the real Hogwarts Champion. I myself found the whole thing absolutely ridiculous. I tried to spend as much time at the library or in my common room so as not to hear the ruckus from everyone's madness all throughout the castle.

It seemed like everyone was absolutely worshipping Cedric which I thought was a little over the top. Sure Cedric was hot, but so were over half of the boys at Hogwarts, I honestly didn't get what all the fuss was about. 

I was walking by the courtyard one day trying to get some fresh air, I was looking around when someone bumped into me causing me to drop the books I was holding. I saw Cedric had bumped into me, his fan club started laughing. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry." He laughed wearing the same wide smile he always did. He bent down to help me pick up my books.  

I rolled my eyes and bent down to pick them up as well not saying anything. He handed me back my books and I was ready to walk away. I could see he was a little confused at my attitude. 

"Are you alright?" He asked me before I walked past him. 

"Sure," I replied not stopping. 

"I'll meet you guys there." I heard him say to his friends and I rolled my eyes once more knowing what this meant. He ran up to catch up with me. "I'm Cedric." He introduced himself extending his hand out for me. 

I looked down at it before shaking it back. "I know". I replied wearing a fake smile. 

"Listen did I do something wrong or-" He began.

I stopped and turned to face him. I sighed "No no you didn't, I'm sorry I'm just tired that's all." I apologized recognizing it really wasn't his fault that he had all of this attention. "I'm y/n." I finally told him. 

"Well y/n, what d'you say we hang out sometime?" He asked me. 

I smiled at him. "Cedric, thank you for the offer...but I'm not sure I want to become a target for your fan club," I replied honestly. 

"What?" He asked confused. 

I pointed behind him where a group of girls was 'hiding' behind an archway giggling away. "I'll see you around though," I replied walking away. 


Throughout the next days, Cedric and I had exchanged a few words here and there. He kept trying to start up conversations with me and he was actually a really sweet and funny guy, and if I knew so many girls weren't after him I might have even considered something more with him. 

The day for the first task was approaching and I could tell all the champions were becoming increasingly nervous. 

I was in the library studying with a couple of my friends from Ravenclaw when I heard someone whisper my name. I turned around to see Cedric was calling me from behind one of the shelves. I looked at him confused. 

"Hey guys, I'm gonna go grab another book," I told my friends getting up and walking towards Cedric. Once I was out of their sight Cedric began talking. 

"I need your help." He told me. 

"What?" I asked a little concerned. 

"Dragons are the first task." He spat out and I could tell he was really nervous. 

"Woah." That was all I said. 

"What am I supposed to do?" He desperately asked me. 

"Well have you tried reading on them? I mean I know that they are very protective/ defensive creatures, but they can easily be distracted." I told him. 

He adopted a more calm posture. "Ok.." He sighed. 

"Maybe you should study on a couple of charms and spells that can help you create a distraction, I would suggest transfiguration spells." I finished. 

"That's a brilliant idea, yeah I'll do that." He finally whispered but I could still see he was extremely nervous. 

"You'll do just fine Cedric." I smiled at him placing a comforting hand on his arm. 


It was the day of the task, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't extremely nervous for Cedric. I hadn't been able to talk to him the day after our encounter at the library but I'd just hoped he'd taken my suggestions into account. 

I was sitting in the highest row next to one of the towers at the renovated Quidditch pitch. Cedric was out first. The dragon didn't hesitate to start throwing flames at him. I found myself flinching and getting up every time Cedric was almost hit. I saw Cedric lift up his wand and transfigure a rock into a dog which was enough to distract the dragon. I began cheering along with the rest of the crowd.

Cedric made a run for the golden egg but the dragon took notice and turned around just as Cedric managed to grab the egg hitting him with his flames. I gasped and brought my hands up to my mouth. Cedric then walked out of the arena. I ran down the tower next to me and made my way over to the Champion's tents even though I knew I wasn't allowed in. 

I saw Cedric clutching the side of his face and making his way over to one of the beds, I ran over to him. "You did it! Merlin are you alright?" I asked him worried. 

"I'm fine, just a slight burn." He hissed as Madam Pomfrey yanked his hand back and poured something on his cheeks. 

"Ooo, I'm sorry maybe the transfiguration spell wasn't the best idea." I felt responsible for his injury. 

"No, don't, I would be charred if it wasn't for you." He smiled. We could hear the crowd gasping and hissing from outside. 

"Wanna go watch?" I asked him. 

"Yep." He got up and followed me up the towers. We found a seating spot close to the teachers. It was Harry's turn. He was using his broom. 

"A summoning charm. That's brilliant, how didn't I think of that." I cursed myself. 

"What?" Cedric asked confused. 

"Harry used a summoning charm, he's a seeker, his biggest strength is flying so he just needed a broom. It would've worked perfectly for you, I don't know how I didn't think of that." I explained.

"WATCH OUT!" I was so distracted I didn't notice when Harry was headed in our direction, the dragon following behind him. Cedric grabbed me and pulled me aside with him, using his body to shield me from the flying shards of wood that came with the dragon crashing into the tower. 

"Thanks." I looked up taking everything in. 

"Are you okay?" Cedric held my face up inspecting me for any injuries. 

"Ced, I'm fine." I gently grabbed his hand reassuring him.

He just kept staring at me. He brought his hand back up to my face and in a split moment, he had leaned forward and crashed his lips into mine. I was completely taken aback. 

"I nearly died, and you nearly died so I just had to do it." His eyes shifted from my eyes to my lips. 

"Yeah..." I breathed. "Maybe you should do it again." I stared down at his lips this time. 

"Yeah." He leaned forward and kissed me again. This time we were interrupted when we heard loud cheering, Harry had gotten the golden egg. 

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