🧡Thirty Six💚

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3𝓻𝓭 𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓿𝓲𝓮𝔀:

"Hello Mr. Shi. "

Miro greeted the red head who was walking out of his work room.

"Good afternoon you two. "

"I just finished the last details on Izuku. "

The read headed men stated with a grin plastered across his face.

"Great, and here is the money. "

"Did you talk to him? "

Miro asked as he handed the money to Mr. Shi.

"Yes sir I did. "

"He's quite a fan boy ain't he? "

Mr. Shi commented with a light chuckle.

"Yeah he was. "

Tamaki mumbled with a slight smile.

"Anyway, he said he would like someone  name Katsuki? "

"He wants Katsuki? "
"Uhmm we can't exactly put him in a coffin he's still alive... "

Miro awkwardly stated.

"Oh no! "

"I was just asking if you knew who he was first. "

"Yes we do know him. "

Tamaki answered for his overly red boyfriend.

"Ok, well he wanted Katsuki's sweater put inside his coffin. "

Mr. Shi informed both the pro's.

"Anything else? "

Tamaki asked as he rubbed his boyfriend back trying to get him to stop being embarrassed.

"He also said thank you to the both of you for everything. "

"And to let that Katsuki dude know he loves him and he's not mad. "

"I'm not sure what he meant by that but hopefully the other dude will. "

Mr. shi stayed with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah he'll understand. "

Miro stated with a small sigh.

"Great! "

"Well I have a one o'clock appointment so the next time I see you will be at the funeral."

Mr. Shi stated as he quickly pushed them out the door.
He only had five minutes to prepare for his other interview so be had to get chopping.

"Should we stop by the prison? "
"The funeral is in two days and Izuku only asked for one thing so the least we can do is get it for him. "

Tamaki commented as both him and Miro got in his car.

"Yeah let's stop by there, I'm sure he would like the hear what Izuku said as well. "

Miro stated with a small grin.
This whole ordeal was killing everyone, they had to burying someone they cared dearly for and the person who killed him feels more guilty then the rest of them and misses Izuku the most.
So obviously Miro and Tamaki were worried for the ash blonde.
3𝓻𝓭 𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓥𝓲𝓮𝔀:

"You know the rules. "

The guard stated before walking off.


Both Miro and Tamaki greeted the lifeless blonde.
He hadn't slept or eaten since the shooting and it was definitely begining to show.

When the ash blonde didn't speak up they decided to continue talking.

"So, The guy that did Izuku's make-up is named Mr. Shi. "

"And his quirk allows him to talk to the dead. "

They caught the ash blondes attention.

"So he talked to Izuku? "

Katsuki asked his crimson eyes boaring into the blue eye blonde.

"Yeah he did. "

Miro answered softly.

"Did he-"

"Yes he did mention you a couple times in fact. "

"For starters he said he wanted one of your sweaters in a casket. "

Miro stated interrupting Bakugo's question.

"My sweaters is with the league, so how is that gonna work? "

Bakugo scoffed out.
Of course Izuku had to ask for the most impossible thing.

"Well you could give us their hide-out. "

Tamaki suggested.

"Tch, fine give me a pen and paper and I'll give you the address. "

Katsuki stated with a small shrug.

"Wait are you serious?? "

"You willing to give them up just like that??"

Tamaki asked as Mario grabbed his notebook and a pencil.

"The league is the main reason Izuku went back to his abusive father. "

"If Izuku had stayed with me he'd still be alive. "

"So yeah I want there asses arrested and put on death row.... though y'all fuckers probably won't do that. "

Katsuki explained as he excepted the paper and wrote all that he knew.

"Ok well continuing on with our conversation, Izuku also told us to tell you that he loves you and that he doesn't hold any hateful feelings towards you. "

Miro stated watching the blondes reaction change to shock.

"H-he did? "


Miro stated with a gentle smile.

For an odd reason the blonde felt a huge
bolder roll of his shoulders.
Izuku not only told him he wasn't mad but also that he loved him.

'Don't worry Zuzu, you'll see me soon.'

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