Ghost Town

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I'm sorry if this gets sad but... yeah.

just read plz.


The days grew longer and i could feel myself become more distant. Like i was losing track of time and forgetting things.

"Have you ever wanted to be with someone so bad yet they just... slip away from you? Even when you try to hold on to them as hard as you can?"

Sometimes i would hear the voices. And they'd tell me things that i already know. Like how i'm running away. Or how it'll only get worse.

"No ones saying you have to get over this. Just listen to your friends. We know what we're saying."


"We're here for you."

They just won't shut up.

"Winn! I need your help." i beamed. My fingers danced while i held my phone in my hand and my smile brightened with every word i spoke. "Barry asked me to get your opinion on something that might help us with our situation back on our earth."

I handed him the tablet showing every analysis of what we found. "Oh. Okay, yeah, i can help." he said. He took the tablet with a grin and had this curious look on his face. The one he would get when he's really concentrated. His eyebrows would come together and his lips would turn up a little. "Seems pretty helpful."

My eyes widened. Not because i was finally getting the courage but because i was helpful. "Really? Because i thought somethings were a little off or.." i started to say. I could tell i sounded doubtful.

"No, no. These are great." he smiled. "You said that Team Flash is dealing with a meta that can travel through time and space right? And so far all you know is that to him he's only folding space.. to get from point A to B. Yet you obviously know that he's not only doing that but also harnessing some serious energy that's allowing this. That's not Dark Matter." he stated. I just followed with my eyes when he walked.

"Right. I confronted him once in battle about him hopping from one place to another in less than a blink of an eye and he had no idea he was doing it in the same time." i stated. I started to remember how he reacted as well. "The guy seemed freaked out. Like he never intended it. But right after went back to his creepy guy facade."

He stood in front of his computer and just looked at me until i was done and immediately sat down. "Huh. Well.. I started to do my own research on this type of stuff and for one he may be dealing with a double personality from everything you've listed that's happened when talking to him. And two... His powers aren't from just Dark Matter but also an unknown substance." he said.

It still made no sense to me. "But that still doesn't explain certain things. Like how when Barry fights him he can barely lay a hand on him. But when i or Frost fight him... he actually gets injured." i admitted. I leaned against the table close to his desk facing him and crossed my arms. "It's like he's making sure that i can touch him."

"Well that would explain certain things." he said. He sounded more confused than me. "How many times have you actually fought him?" he asked. He leaned forward in his desk and it made me shift my position. Nothing against him... but i.. i don't know.

"Uhh.. about 5 times. 6 if you count when he broke into my house and wanted to 'chat'." i said, adding air quotations on chat.

"Wait... he broke into your house?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

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