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Jermey's POV

I had been sitting at home bored out of my mind as we had just finished the finale for 'Supergirl' season 2, and i had no idea what to do. I decided that I would go on instagram and just scroll until i saw something that interested me.

It had been about 30 minutes since i had scrolled through instagram and all i found was food recipes for things that i might make and notifies that some people followed me. I decided to look at the last persons profile just to be nosy until i saw the most adorable video. She had been with her friends laughing and joking and her laugh from the video made my heart flutter. "wow." i whispered to myself.

I continued to scroll through her feed as i saw that she was a singer, trying to be an actress, and her name was Sasha. She had the most beautiful eyes and smile i had ever seen. I wanted to do nothing more than to see her in person. Sadly, she lived miles away from me. But i could Dm her.

"Hi." i texted her. My heart dropped as i sent it thinking she was never gonna answer. I left my phone on the table in front of me as i waited for her to reply.


I immediately picked my phone up and saw her name. I opened the message up and saw as she didn't believe me. "Hello...?" she texted. I froze.

I never thought that i would get this far. "I know this may seem weird but..i saw that you followed me and i just wanted to get to know you better." i sent back. I have no idea what power she had, but it's powerful.

Your POV

I had been sitting in bed scrolling through instagram for the past hour just unfollowing and following people that i was interested in now. Oddly enough though, i got a message from one of my favorite actors/singers. "What the hell?!" i yelled getting out of bed. I stared at the notification not knowing what to do.

"Hello...?" i sent. I didn't know if it was really him or if i was being pranked and i hoped that i wasn't. Not long after he relayed back and i immediately dropped my phone. "Damn." i quietly said to myself picking my phone up and reading his message. I smiled to myself thinking about how cute he seemed even over text.

"That's sweet. I'm a big fan of yours and this actually seems like i'm being pranked. Lol." i sent back. I sat on my bed confused as to why he was texting me.

"Thanks :). Would you like to get dinner sometime?" he asked. My eyes widened at my phone and i randomly threw it across my room and watched in horror as it hit the wall and fell to the floor. "No!" i yelled rushing to get it. Just then, my roommate ran through the door holding a metal bat.

"What happened?! Who's there?!" she yelled looking around my room only to find me holding my broken phone with sadness in my face. "Oh. Damn, that sucks." she said lowering her bat and began to walk out.

"Wait! I need you phone." I called after her. She looked at me and then to my hands holding her phone close to her chest. "Oh. I promise with my whole life it won't look like this." i said begging her. She finally handed it over after a minute of begging. "Thank you!" i cheered.

~A month later~

It had been a whole month since i had been talking to Jeremy over the phone and i had also bought a new phone so i could stop using my roommates. Surprisingly we had a lot in common. We were both actors, singers, and loved to cook or eat. Most times we spent on the phone would be when one of us is cooking or both of us are eating.

It was the cutest thing. "Hey, you should come down to LA." he said happily as he walked down a street. He had been wanting me to come over since last week but i had been too busy. "And i know you've been busy, but you could just bring you work over here." he smiled constantly looking at the phone and back in front of him.

"I would love to, Jeremy.'s hard over here in New Jersey. I'm trying but it's hard." i pouted. Just then he started to scratch up and the call ended. "Jermey?" i asked smacking my computer that was next to me. "I swear if this is a prank.." i said to a blank computer. Then i realized my computer died on me.

"Shit." i breathed out laying my head back on a pillow.

Jermey's POV

I was walking to Sasha's apartment to surprise her and before i got to say anything after her, her computer died and ended our call. "Damnit." i let out. I shrugged it off as i was already at her apartment now. "Hey, Jade. It's me, Jeremy." i said hoping to be buzzed in by Sasha's roommate.

"Okay cool. I'll let you in now." she said and let me in. I smiled to myself and my palms were super sweaty yet cold as i walked to the door. I had spent a whole month talking to Sasha and this was the most scariest thing i had ever experienced. I knocked on the door and heard yelling from the other side. "Sash! Get the door!" Jade yelled.

"Why?" Sasha yelled back. I laughed at myself still waiting outside. "Fine!" she yelled after getting no response. As a few seconds passed i grew even more scared at how she would react and it felt like i had been standing there for hours. I turned to my side as i heard her looking through the peephole.

Once she opened the door, i turned to face her with the biggest smile on my face seeing her surprised look. "Hi." i laughed as she jumped into my arms wrapping arms and legs around me in excitement. She screamed out as she burrowed her head into my neck as i did the same.

"Hi." she said clearly smiling and crying at the same time. I walked us into the apartment and she shut the door behind us and got down to look at me. I looked down at her and saw as she was wearing black socks, shorts, and a hoodie. All i wore was just pants, shoes, and a huge Jacket since it was freezing outside. "I can't believe you're here!" she screamed out jumping up and down and hugging me again.

"I know." i smiled hugging her tight. It felt nice to hold her in my arms. She was so warm and oddly smelt like christmas which i don't mind.

The rest of the night consisted of me getting to know her roommate and before going to bed, cuddling on the couch while watching a christmas romcom.

This was a request and i really liked writing it. And i hope it's okay the season is on christmas. It just seemed cute to me.

~~This was a request from

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