Hard times

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"Would you just stop being so clueless?!" i yelled at Jermey.

"Well tell me what i'm missing! Because i didn't know that it was wrong to get to know someone your girlfriend cares about!" he yelled back. Anger rang through his voice as he threw his arm in the air.

Me and Jeremy have been dating for almost 6 years now and this was the biggest fight we ever had. This whole thing started all because i wanted him to get to know my best friend- ex best friend, now- just a little better. He said that he would do his best to get to know her and the only way was to have dinner. I agreed. Sadly though, she made a move on him and he didn't notice until she kissed him.

"Jeremy, i meant talk to her. Not to let her stick her tongue down your throat!" i yelled. A lump started to form in my throat as tears welled up in my eyes.

"I didn't kiss her! You have to believe me, Y/N." he begged. We stood in silence for a few seconds and i looked at my feet hoping he didn't see how hurt i was. "Look... I didn't kiss her. She kissed me. And besides, i stopped her right after." he said walking up to me and placing his hands on both of my shoulders.

"Jeremy..." i began still not looking up as the lump in my throat got bigger. "I want nothing more then to believe you and just put this behind us." i stated trying to look at his eyes.

"Yes. Let's do that, okay?" he said bringing me into a hug and holding me tight. I tried so hard not to just break down at that moment as his warm embrace held me.

"No, Jeremy." i said getting out of the hug. I wanted nothing more to just put the whole thing away, but he didn't stop her kiss immediately. "You let her kiss you. You let her hold you the way i do." i said. Now tears ran down my face and the lump went away but i still felt it. Jermey tried to talk but i had more to say. "Look... I love you. I mean... I want to marry you. I do. But.." i started.

"Y/N...please." he said. Tears went down his face as he looked into my eyes. "We can fix this." he said trying to hug me again but i backed up.

"Please. Please don't make this any harder than it is." i said. I briefly looked to the door behind him and i didn't want this to be our last conversation. "I think you should leave." i said. I immediately covered my mouth with my hand and i had no idea what came over me but i ran to another room and locked the door. Jermey called after me but it was buried out by the loud beating of my heart as i sobbed at what just took place.

A few months pass and now i'm doing a bit better. My good friend, Aiden, had come to my side during the breakup and he would always be at my place whenever i needed him most.

"So, rumor has it...you found someone new after..you know." the interviewer of a radio station asked. My mind went back to me and Jermey's last interaction when he moved out of the apartment and into his own.

"Uh..no. Aiden's just a really good friend who's been there for me after the whole thing went down." i smiled. "He's just...he's the best." i laughed.

"Well it seems that a certain someone found herself." they joked making me blush and giggle. It felt nice to just smile after everything that had happened. "But, you know he's down here? Will this affect you?" they asked with a concerned look.

"What? No. If anything, i really want to see him. You know. See how's life, his career, maybe just have a good friendship." i said in all honesty. I really did want to just see Jeremy after so long.

"Well isn't that sweet." they smiled placing one of their hands on their hearts. "Well, that's all we got for now folks. Tune in later today when we speak with the amazing Iron Man. Or as some know him as...Robert Downey Jr.(i honestly forgot how to spell his name so don't come after me.) Until next time." they said before turning a new song on the radio.

After i left the station paparazzi rushed to me and i just smiled as i held onto Aiden's hand. "Y/N! Did you move on after Jermey to him?" some dude asked taking pictures.

"No. This is my good friend. He's also gay by the way." i winked at a few cameras still walking.

"Y/N! How do you feel about Jermey?" a woman recording asked shoving the camera in my face.

"Okay can you guys get out of here?" Aiden asked tightening his grip on my hand. I tried to calm him down as we got to the store we were going to. Luckily paparazzi weren't allowed so they just all waited outside. "Thank god!" he let out letting go of my hand and began to walk around the store for new clothes.

I shook my head and smiled as i went to go buy a few more new hoodies.


I looked behind me and at the front door thinking Aiden left but saw a familiar face i hadn't see in a while. "Oh god." i breathed out. I turned around and began to rummage through my purse as i saw him walking over to me. "Come o- - yes!" i whispered as i put my glasses on and pulled up my hood.

"Y/N?" he asked tapping my shoulder. I regretfully turned around to see Jeremy again. His eyes sparked in the sunlight from the roof which made my heart feel something i hadn't felt in a while. "Hey." he smiled from ear to ear and placed his hands in his pockets.

"Hi.." i said quiet enough for him to hear. My heartbeat quickened up as i remembered all the cute things he would do. Including his smile i would always see. A smile made its way to my face as i saw how happy he was. Maybe our breakup was for the best.

"Look, i know how we ended things was bad." he said as his smile faded away. "But... i heard you on the radio today." he smiled almost immediately as he looked into my eyes.

My heartbeat speeding up again. "Oh. You did?" i said cringing at the though of him hearing my voice on the radio.

"Yeah." he laughed. "And i want to start over. Hopefully." he shyly said. He started to blush which made butterflies appear in my heart and stomach. Over time, after the breakup, i realized how stupid it was to breakup over a kiss he didn't even want or participate in.

"I'd like that." i laughed. I looked at my feet not knowing what do say now. Then i saw his hand extend out to me and i looked up at him in confusion.

"Hi. I'm Jermey." he said waiting for me to take his hand. I gladly took it ready to start a new friendship.

"Y/N. Nice to meet you." i said slightly shaking his hand. We both laughed out at the idea of actually started over.

Good thing we still don't have feelings for each other and can just be friends. I think.


Hi! i know this seemed weird but i was bored and just started to write. Hope you like it!

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