Chapter 4

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(Third POV)

Deku got Mineta quickly with One for all and he thought to himself. 'Kouda's quirk allows him to control animals but is this one immune?!' Then a thought hit him, 'No, this is Pixie-Bob's quirk!'
Soon three students passed Kouda so they could take down the beast.

Meanwhile with the teachers, Pixie Bob was using her quirk while Mandalay was talking with Aizawa. " Don't you think you've got them on a pretty crazy schedule Eraser?" Mandalay asked.

 "Yeah, we're hoping to get an entire second semester's worth of knowledge in them here doing that's going to take an intense amount of work but the rewards will be worth it." Aizawa answered, "They'll get permits to use their quirks if there's ever an emergency and provisional licenses that will allow them to work as heroes, most importantly with all the villainous activity we've been tracking they need to be able to defend themselves."

Back with the students, Izuku activated One for all once again. Todoroki ran towards the beast and froze its feet while Iida and Bakugo took away it's arms by using their quirks and Izuku finally took the final blow until the beast fell to the ground. "Alright, let's do this!" Kirishima shouted with a burst of courage as he hardens his arms. "Yeah!" The whole class shouted. "I wonder how Tommy is doing." Momo wondered.

Meanwhile with Tommy, Tommy was running towards the camp hoping to get food but he was also hoping to see the beast that Mandalay said. Suddenly Tommy heard a growl, he looked at way where it was coming from and it was one of the beast. Tommy's eyes lightened up as he grabbed his netherite sword, how did he get it you ask? Well it's a long story...


Tommy was getting ready for the training camp. Tommy need to get resources so he went to get some only to find the things he needed in his inventory already. 'What the fuck..' Tommy thought, 'Wow free stuff!' 

[Flashback End]

Tommy slashed the beast's legs and the beast roared as it swings it's tail towards Tommy. Luckily for Tommy, he dodged it and shot the beast with a fire arrow. The beast was burning and this just made Tommy very excited as he went to look for more on the way. 

As Tommy kept going until he ran into two beasts, he took out an ender pearl and shot it towards the tree branches. The beast was about to stomp on Tommy but he got teleported towards a tree branch due to the ender pearl. 

Tommy remembered the strategy made by Technoblade as he loaded the crossbow with two fireworks and fired it towards the beasts. Tommy did miss one of them but he got the other one at least. He finishes the last one up with a slash from his netherite sword.

When the firework went off, Denki noticed the sounds of fireworks, he also realized no one else heard it because they were focused on the beasts. So Denki ran towards the sound, it was pretty far from where he was so he kept running.

Mina was the first one that realized Denki was missing. "Guys, where did Denki go?" Mina asked as everyone else looked. "I don't know." Sero replied. "Stop worrying now, I want to go explode these things!" Bakugo shouted as everyone's attention went towards the beast but Mina still wondered where Denki went.

Denki was still running until he met with two beast down and Tommy on a tree branch. "Hey Tommy!" Denki shouted that got Tommy's attention. "Hello, Big zap!" Tommy yelled as he jumped down. It was far from the ground so Denki was in fear. Denki was about to say something but was cut off by Tommy MLG water. 

Denki's mind was processing. "What?!" Denki shouted, "H-How did you, What-."
"No time to explain, your coming with me Big zap!" Tommy commanded as he grabbed Denki's arm was pulled him so he could go with Tommy. Let's just say that Tommy broke Denki's mind.


Tommy and Denki made it to the camp to only see Aizawa, Kota and the pussy cats. "Oh you're early." Mandalay said. "Did you go solo?" Aizawa asked. "Well, I went solo until Big zap came to me." Tommy said as he elbowed Denki. "Ow!" Denki yelled. "How many did you take out." Aizawa asked. "Huh?" Denki said in confusion.

"How many beasts did you defeat ."

"Uhhhh, did you keep track Tommy?"

"I think it was more then 15."

 "Alright, I guess you could go inside now, we'll be waiting for you classmates." Aizawa said as Denki and Tommy nodded. Both of them went in as Aizawa was waiting for the rest of the class.

(1 hour later)

"The litter is almost here." Pixie-Bob said. "That took a lot longer than i expected it too." Mandalay responded as Todoroki walked out of the forest panting and bruised a little bit. Soon the rest of the Class came out of the forest to tired and bruised.

"You said it would only be like three hours.." Sero said falling on the ground. "Guess we timed it based on how long you'd take us sorry now." Mandalay said. "You're bragging about how much better you are.." Satou said. "Well I guess not us." Pixie-Bob said that made everyone's attention towards her. "What do you mean?!" Ojiro asked.

"Tommy and Denki got here 1 hour ago." Pixie-Bob said and everyone's eyes widened. "1 HOUR AGO?!" The class shouted. "Anyways you'll get lunch I guess." Aizawa said as he walked in the building and saw Tommy was going out holding a plate.

Tommy went out to find everyone tired. Tommy decided to be the nice character since he's done a lot of crimes and doesn't regret a thing. He does dream about them though which scares him. 

Tommy walked towards Mandalay. "Can you hold this plate for me?" Tommy asked Mandalay as she responded. "Of course."

As Mandalay was holding the plate. "Tommy you are so manly!" Kirishima said. Tommy didn't make a reaction but smiled because he knew he was. After the he was holding an enchanted golden apple on his left hand and a netherite sword in his right hand. Everyone was wondering what the apple was.

Tommy threw the apple in the air and slashed it all with his sword as it all landed on the plate. Some of the students were amazed. "Each one of you eat a piece of these golden apple, don't worry it won't break your teeth, it'll give you regeneration." Tommy said as he walked back into the building.

Mandalay passes down the pieces of the golden apple to the students. When they all ate it, their bruises were gone. "Woah, that's so cool!" Uraraka said. "I agree with you Uraraka." Momo agreed. "It's sparkles like me!" Aoyama shouted as he makes poses. "I think it's more shiny than sparkle.." Shouji whispered to Tokoyami as Tokoyami nodded.

"Wait, who's that kid?" Izuku asked as he pointed towards Kota. "Oh this little guy, he's my little cousin." Mandalay responded, "He just lives with us now."

"Oh really nice to meet you." Izuku greeted as he walked towards Kota and bended down to give him a hand shake but he didn't expect to get hit the the balls. "Huh, I'm starting to like this kid already." Bakugo said. "You just like seeing Midoriya suffer." Todoroki said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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