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      ITSUMI MIDORIYA WAS frustrated, rage-ful, she's seething as the blood in her veins boil like molten lava. Her glaring gaze is full of red hot anger. She didn't have words, she only had temptations. Her fingers twitched violently as they yearned, craved, to tear the world apart. She was so stressed that she wanted to express her rage in a murderous rampage - she wanted to spill blood and feel it on her hands.

It was still the same day as she discreetly stomped away from the beach and back towards the apartment. Though, no matter how much distance she put between herself and Izuku, she couldn't calm down. She wants to explode and release all her bottled fury. Just why? Why was her brother so interested in heroics? Why did he want to become a hero? Why were he and their father the same?

Tch, Itsumi scoffs, scowling. Heroes, they ruin everything

She thought it was ironic. Heroes were supposed to help and save people, they were suppose to make things better. However, in her life, heroes seem to do the opposite. First, it was when her father decided to take his hero career and go abroad, disrupting their family lifestyle. It ruined her childhood seeing as she was forced to grow up, because when he left she had to be the one to comfort her mother and reassure her that things were going to be okay, and she had to be the one to hold her younger brother as he sobbed for being quirkless, she was his support. Itsumi was the one to fill the space he willingly ripped open when he left to become a hero. 

And now, it seems that history is repeating itself. Though, this time, she won't stand around and be the supporting pillar like she was the first time! No, this time, she'll free herself from the shackles that were forced on her from a young age!

This time she'll do the damage of ripping their family apart! 

This time, she'll watch as everything crumbles!

Gritting her teeth in a manic smile, Itsumi makes her way up the stairs of the apartment complex, and quickly strides until she reaches her family residence. Taking one final breath, the green haired girl composes herself into the façade she always wears around others. Opening the door, she walks in with a content fake smile as she pretends like nothing happened in the past hour that made her so filled with rage. 

Making her way through the apartment, she sees her mother in the living room, folding laundry. 

"Oh, Itsumi, you're home! How was your day at the beach," Inko asks, looking at her daughter. 

As the older woman observes her oldest child, she can see just how tired the girl really is. Dark bags decorate the area under her eyes, making the craters in the moon seem like child's play. Her usually tanned skin looks pale and flaccid, so sickly and aged despite her being seventeen. Her ruby eyes are filled with exhaustion, but Inko could see hints of sadness and anger in them, but other than that, her eyes are empty - the jewels that they're suppose to resemble are dimmed, dull, and worthless of the crystal shine.

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