12. Presumed Dead

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(y/n)'s pov

I ripped the arrow out as I fell and used my wings to slow my fall. It was a long way down before I finally hit the water. I swam to the surface and headed towards a small beach which lead into a cave. Once I dragged myself onto the beach I fell forward into the black sand, I rolled on my back and tried to heal myself. I screamed in anger as the arrow must've temporarily disabled by abilities. I looked up at the sky, seeing as though there was nothing I could do and I began to cry when I saw the class taking off. "Why....why, why, why, why!!! They'd just leave me?!" 

I though no one would hear all my yelling, but a little boy came out from the cave, "Who are you?"

I looked back at him, "You can call me (f/n)," I held my side. 

"You know you shouldn't have your wings out," He crouched down. 


"They might take you away."

"Well I can't hide it."

"You can," he said, wings manifested on his back before shrinking back down to nothing. "Try."

I tried but then cried some more, "I-I can't."


I closed my eyes, my mind went blank and then I heard him say, "See you did it." He then ran off. 

"Wait don't go please," I reached my arm towards him. 

"I'm going to go get nanny," he simply told me before running off. 

I laid back down, facing up, groaning in pain, "It hurts...." Everything went black.


I woke up to see a dim fire, I had been changed out of my uniform and into a nightgown. I pulled my collar forward and looked down to see my injury bandaged. "I see you're up young one," an older lady said from the shadows. "No need to be afraid, I'm just like you. You must have had a long journey." 

I nodded, "Thank you for taking care of the injury. If your boy hadn't found me I'd probably be dead by now." 

~big time skip brought to you by idk what to write~

"Thank you for your hospitality," I told the old lady and her grandson, Koda, who I stayed with for 6 months. I was able to make my own armor using some of the materials in the cave along with weapons including two daggers that can be put together to make a double-bladed sword and gun. I also had time to work on my abilities which the old lady helped me with. I wore a cloak over my armor which was a body suit like the one from school but lighter and stronger. I wore a mask that covered my eyes but still allowed me to see out, (you can see out others cant see in). 

"Take care of your grandmother Koda," I looked down at the boy who nodded and gave me a hug.

"Do you really have to go?"

"Yes...I have a mission to complete." I waved goodbye to them, exiting the cave the other way and grabbing my motorcycle (like tron-ish) and zooming away. There was a small camp nearby where the man who had shot me a long time ago had escaped to. Upon getting there I quietly took out the two guards at the front. I went through the base quickly, taking out everyone inside, there were no hostages or anything. When I finally reached the man, I took off my mask, "Better luck next life," I told him before shooting him as well. With that done I took my leave, heading towards the next town a few miles away. 


Third person pov

"Welcome class," the teacher said, "It has been 6 months since the incident where a fellow classmate has passed. Now we were originally going to raid this base," she pointed to a spot on the map. "However it seems as though someone has completed the task for us. Our new mission will be to recover any intel we can based off of whats left." 

"Understood," the class said in unison. After the incident everyone was rather down  but had to continue on like normal. 

Since there were no guards expected to be there only 4 squads would be going in, with no teacher accompanying them. On their way to the camp, they had been hearing rumors about an assassin who took out everyone there single-handedly. They've been referring to this person as the Angel of Death, in this area, hybrids weren't welcomed and no one alive has seen a hybrid up close but the reports on this assassin indicate that they're a hybrid. 

Upon arriving at the site, they gathered some papers in a few of the offices as well as samples from their lab. However before they could leave, some of the enemy showed up to retrieve their things, taking the squads captive and holding them for ransom. 

(y/n)'s pov

"Oi Ash, drinking again?" The bartender who I got to know as, Blaze came over to me. 

"Looks like it," I said, cloak still on. 

"Do you ever eat or sleep?"


"Uhuh," he handed me my usual which I chugged down. "Don't you have any friends or anything?"

"No... I'm dead  to them." I noticed a couple men enter the bar, they took a couple seats near me. 

"Good run today huh," the first started. 

"Got them supplies and those brats," the other said. 

"Stupid school sendin' a bunch of students to do their dirty work."

"Well we can make money off 'em."

"What if their school don't sent no one with money?"

"Whatchu mean?"

"Students just their pawns,  plus base is all the way out on XXX, XXX. Of course there's other bases with more of em. Can't put all yer fruit in one basket ye?" 

'Coordinates.'  I got up from my seat and left some money for Blaze. 

"Leaving so soon my man," Blaze commented, "Where you going at night Ash?"

"Something came up," I waved back at him. I got on my bike, programming the coordinates and heading straight there.  I marched straight to the entrance after stopping a little ways away. The two guards at the front were both drunk as heck, I took out my daggers and got them both. 

Third person pov

"It's the Angel of Death," One of the guards called from the security room, he repeated himself on the  P.A. system. 

"What is that damn brat doing here," the guard manning the prison block said out loud. 

"What's the point in fighting? We're just going to lose," One said. 

Another in agreement, "Yeah, he already took down another fort. Better we cut out losses and leave."

"Don't run now," (y/n) said coming around the corner. Of course it didn't sound like (y/n) who though of using a voice changer. 

(y/n)'s pov 

I swiftly took the two of them out, I sent a blast of air down the hall taking out a bunch more. I continued knocking out the guards before getting to the main office which I learned every base had. "Yoohoo," I called from the door. "I hear you have hostages and I'm here to make an offer."

"Why does the angel of death care about their lives but not give a damn about ours?" 

I summoned my wings, propelling myself forwards before hiding them again, "You tell me where the other hostages are or I end you here and now." 

"This is the base," he pointed at a spot on the map. 

"Thank you~" I stabbed him.

"You said you'd-"

"I lied~" 

I began making my way back down towards the prison block. 'It's been so long...' 

Soaring | Various Haikyuu x OC?  ((DISCONTINUED, POTENTIAL REWRITE LATER))Where stories live. Discover now