14. Wanted On the Run

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(y/n)'s pov

Current party: Sakusa, Akaashi, Yachi, Yaku, Tsukishima, Yahaba, Daichi, Shirabu, Kunimi, Kenma, Osamu, Kiyoko. 

"Why can't we just go back to the inn?"

"I'm basically on the run," I replied, "In other words for my safety I just have to keep moving around to different places." 

"What have you done exactly," Daichi asked. 

"Ehhh, sabotaged some of their shit, might've killed a few of 'em anddddd stolen some stuff," I answered then adding, "But I've been doing this for around 6 months now and I've gotten by with no problems."

"6 months you say?" I hummed in response, "You haven't met a (y/n) by any chance have you? She's an albatross hybrid."

"Yachi mentioned her back at the inn and I can't say I have," I lied. "I'll be sure to keep an eye out for your friend but I doubt an albatross would be around these parts, most of the people here aren't hybrids so your friend (y/n) would stick out." 

"Ohhh I see," Daichi sighed. 

I looked around, taking note of the gloominess whenever my name was brought up, "We should start moving, the forest a mile off from here has an abandoned warehouse that we can take shelter in." We made it to the warehouse just in time, it had begun to pour rain outside. I sat underneath an area where there was a hole in the roof, the water dripped onto my clothing over my bruise. Using my ability I made sure water continued dripping at a constant pace and healed it. 

"What are you looking at," Shirabu asked me, I had just pulled out the map from the last base. 

"Our next destination, if we leave during the night we should get there by the end of the day tomorrow."

"Isn't this one closer?"

"It's going to be Monday tomorrow and they ship things out at this harbor," I pointed at a spot, "every Tuesday. If your friends are at this base then there's a possibility they could be shipped out too."

"How do you know so much," Kunimi asked, standing next to Shirabu. 

"I used to do missions in exchange for intel on those guys." 


"That's a story for another time," I ruffled his hair, he and Shirabu both left. 

"Yo...Ash was it?" Osamu approached me. 

"Yeah... need something?"

"Why are you doing all this?"

"I made a deal with Sakusa," I pulled out one of my daggers and begun sharpening it. 

"It's personal reasons right? That's what you told Sakusa at least..."

"It is for personal reasons and that is all I have to say," I looked up at him, "Don't trust me?"

"How can I?"

"I could've left you in the heli~" 

He opened his mouth to argue back, I tilted my head at him, he then said, "I'll trust you unless you give me a reason not to." I hummed in response and Osamu took a seat next to me. "How'd someone with skill like yours and a good goal end up in this place?"

"Only hybrids can move up in this cruel society, but normals despise the social hierarchy meaning that for some hybrids keeping it on the low is better. Hybrids don't like normals, especially talented ones because it messes up the structure of the social hierarchy... I also wasn't always here to begin with." 

"Oh? Where were you before?

"Sorry but you've used your daily question," I teased. "Even so I can't say my answer would be good anyways."

He, like the others, fell asleep soon after, his head ending up on my shoulder. Once it was time to get going I tapped him, "We're leaving soon."

"Okay," He took my hand and I pulled him up. 

We fell behind on time, I yelled to them (flying), "Go ahead I'll catch up."

"You sure?"

"Yeah." Once they were far enough ahead of me, I begun to form a wave that would hit once I got to the docking area. As the wave came I gradually dropped the temperature of the water, upon impacting the ship, it froze. "You guys go search the ship I'll hold off the guards," I gestured for them to go. Things were looking in my favor at first before I noticed guards beginning to retreat. 

They let go of a couple mutants. I dodged the first who ran at me, manifesting my wings to block at attack from the next, quickly despawning them, I turned and shot it. The one who originally ran at me was going to charge again but I quickly brought up some water and froze it in place. The second took advantage of the time it took me to do that, swinging at my side. I went tumbling into a storage container. Before it could squash me I messily used a blast of air to throw me up onto the top of the storage container. It jumped up after me, I had a chance to fire a couple rounds into it, killing it but not before it had a chance to cut me. I healed myself a little and waited for them to come out. "Got your friends?"


"Alright lets keep moving."

New Party:  Sakusa, Akaashi, Yachi, Yaku, Tsukishima, Yahaba, Daichi, Shirabu, Kunimi, Kenma, Osamu, Kiyoko, Atsumu, Bokuto, Sugawara, Kageyama, Hinata, Iwaizumi. 

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