1. The Dorm

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(y/n)'s pov

I stopped at the desk in the front of the building that had the dorms so I could get my key. After that I went straight to my room curious to see who I'd be with for basically the rest of my time at the school. I opened the door to see two girls inside, both were crows. "You must be (f/n)," The girl with glasses said.

"Yes, that would be me," I replied as I shut the door and walked further in. 

"I'm Kiyoko and this is my friend Yachi," glasses girl said. 

"It's nice to meet you both," I said as I made my way to the bed that hadn't been taken yet. I began unpacking what I had brought with me. 'I feel like I'm being watched...' I turned around to see Yachi looking at me. "What's wrong," I asked.

"Oh-I-uh was just looking at your wings. They're super nice. What hybrid are you?" 

"Thanks. I'm an albatross hybrid," I replied. 

"Wow I've never seen one so far inland," Yachi said.

"Normally I stay on the coast but every now and then I come inland to shop for certain things...Are you two crows?" 

Kiyoko nodded then continuing, "Our murder was invited to come here." 

"Oh nice. I don't really know anyone here soo...yeah." 

"You can hangout with us," Kiyoko said. 

"Thanks," I said, "I'm kinda hungry. Did you guys eat yet?" They both looked at each other then shook their heads. "Wanna grab a bite?"

"Sure. I heard there's a mall nearby," Yachi said excitedly, "I actually wanted to pick up a few things too." 

"I'll send a text to the murder in case any of them want to join us," Kiyoko stated. After she let the murder know where we were going to be and when we left and made our way to the mall.

Soaring | Various Haikyuu x OC?  ((DISCONTINUED, POTENTIAL REWRITE LATER))Where stories live. Discover now