Invidēre II

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Invidēre II


"I may not be the best at showing my affections but I will make sure that I will try my best,"

"And I'll do it till death do us part,"


Seasons pass in their little cottage in the woods. She continued doing what she loves: drawing. He, on the other hand, started a small business that kept them financially afloat.

Their neighbors were appreciative of their presence since they emit so much warmth and love.

They had their wedding in a small church where all the locals were invited. With his human flesh, he didn't feel any uneasiness with the place and managed to focus on his bride.

The most important person in his life.

She was smiling. He was on the verge of crying.

His callous self wasn't expecting such human emotion to wash over his serious demeanor.

But then again, he was already human.

He became one just for her.

"I do," he gently whispered, his crimson eyes focused on her face.

She was his everything.

Seasons pass by once again. And before he knew it,

"Rei!" a loud shout from his wife made him instantly drop what he was doing and run to the source.

She was in the bathroom, eyes wide open as she stared idly at the sink.

"Why, what happened?" he asked, walking to her side.

"It's..." she paused, blinking her tears away.

Before he could even react to her sudden outburst, his wife lifted a familiar thin white object in front of him.

"I'm pregnant."


A person that was once an inhabitant of darkness.

A killer of his own mother.

A murderer of an entire village.

He was going to be a father.

Words were stuck in his throat. He couldn't even comprehend such fact. What he did was pulled her to his chest and give her a tight hug.

Time passed by now and before he knows it, he was cradling a young one in his arms. A fragile baby boy that had their features.

He couldn't believe it.

A person like him was able to lay his eyes upon a creation made by the both of them.

"Good thing that he looks more like you and less like me," his wife chuckled.

The male raised an eyebrow at her, arms not really moving an inch in fear that he would wake up the little one bundled in a lavender cot.

"No. He looks equally like us. And he's..." he trailed off as the young one scooted over his chest for warmth, "... He's perfect."

He looked up at his wife and inched closer to give her a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Making me the happiest man in the world."

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