Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 I Miss You Too


"Is it right to approach someone?

Approach someone from the past,

From a past that should be forgotten,

To forget the pain and start anew?

There is agony in love,

And there is love in agony,

But which is better?

To love the agony or to agonize the love?"


"You did what!?"

Anger seeped in the girl's demeanor as she fiercely stared at Ruki. The black-haired vampire merely casted a demeaning glance in her direction, lightly gliding his hand against his curly locks.

"I said 'I sold your things; both your clothes and your drawing equipment.'" He repeated his words from mere moments ago, "I assumed that you were going to die in that incident, so I actually thought that you were not going to need your things."

"You little—"

"Kou will try to get them back after his photoshoot, but it would be in your best interest to think that you won't be getting them back anymore."

Truthfully, the Mukamis thought about stealing her possessions from the Sakamaki household but then they realized that the repercussions for such action might not prove to be advantageous on their end. It will stir rage upon those vampires and might cause their credibility to the girl to dwindle.

Kou was indeed in the process of retrieving them, but in a more civil manner, per say. They plan to make him walk to the Sakamaki's doorstep and present himself in a silver platter. That means that there may be a chance for the things and him to not get back. However, aside from that objective, their actual main reason for initiating direct contact with the Sakamakis is to taunt these pureblooded vampires in what they, the half-blooded, have.

This strategy may be the most ideal for them but it's not for the girl. She was fuming in anger, tears threatening to fall down her eyes. Her hands were formed into fists as her shoulders shook in fury. It was amusing for Ruki to see such a stubborn human crying in front of him. It made her look inferior than she already was.

"You f*cker," she spat out, "A f*cking pussy. You choose to burn my things when I'm unconscious. You can't even do it in front of my face," she said in spite.

Unfazed, the oldest Sakamaki gave her a small smile as she wiped her angry tears away.

"Well, this pussy was about to offer his bank account in replacing your equipment," he said, "You can even buy the latest model of these equipment."

"No! F*ck your bank account! I don't have my f*cking memories, you a*shole! I don't have any f*cking clue to what will happen to my comic! The files from my laptop will help me get me back on track but you just have to f*ck everything up."

The girl's mind was racing. She recently learned that the popularity of her webcomic has skyrocketed. She currently has 20 buffer chapters, all in the hands of her editor. The only problem is that she doesn't have any idea how to continue her work, considering the she couldn't even remember how she got to that point of the story. She was starting to get anxious with her future, afraid that she'll disappoint all her peers, including herself. Will she f*ck up the life her past self had constructed for her?

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