Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 Another Chance

"My body close to you,

It feels like it has been a while,

But your touch still lingers,

And it brings me a deep sense of euphoria.

I still love you,

And yet you can't remember me."


Bodies pressed together. Hands roaming each other's skin. Tongues intertwining into a sinful dance.

They were slowly ascending up to a vacant room of the mansion, not caring if they hit random pieces of furniture along the way. They refuse to part as if they were lovers that had not met for years.

When in fact, it had only been a couple of months.

Her back hit the soft mattress as his frame lingered on top of him. Their breaths were fast and heated as they stared at each other's eyes.

They both wanted this. However, one was completely in charge of his consciousness while the other one's drowned in alcohol.

The girl gave him a salacious grin before wrapping her arms around his neck and settling her rogue lips against his.

When they were still together, they had never made it this far. After all, he was determined to take it slow and let her decide their pace. But right now, he knew that if he didn't take it, others would.

And he can't stomach that fact though less than he can't stomach the fact that he let others have her.

Slowly, clothes were discarded in between kisses until they were left with their underwear.

It was really happening.

His movements slowed.

Does he really want to do it?

Take her when she was almost unaware of it?

"... Why did you stop?" she drowsily complained, hands latching onto his undergarment.

"Is this your first time...?"

"Yep," she giggled with an exaggerated nod.

He stopped the girl by holding both her hands to his chest.


"I love you and I really want you. For so long, even it's indecent, I wanted to do it with you. You told me that it won't necessarily define our love. But for me, it does define love a great deal," he held a hand against her cheek.

"... I love you so much. But I've caused you pain more than pleasure. Just for tonight, let me make you feel more pleasure. Even if it's just with our bodies," he pushed his forehead against hers, a tear escaping from closed his eyes.

It was stupid how he wanted her consent while she was in a drunk state.

"Why just tonight?" the girl asked after a long while, "You keep telling me that you love me and yet, you just want temporary pleasure. The f*ck does that even mean?"

"Look at me, ya fish-eyed man," she removed his grip from her hands and squished his face by softly slapping them on either side of his cheeks.

"If you love me, you gotta pleasure me every day. And by pleasure, I don't only mean sexual. I want you to cook me food, cuddle me every moment, tell me sweet sh*t. 'Ya know, those little happiness goes a long way."

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