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Today is just like any other day, Lee Hanna starts her morning with a cup of coffee, tie a ponytail, wear her brown converse, pick up her bag and went straight to school.

Walking pass the hallway, she sees her ex, Hwang Hyunjin, with his group called 'Stray Kids' laughing as they look at her. She and Hyunjin had a thing on junior year but it ended up so bad that they never talked since then. She shakes it off and get to her seat, the one on the middle row next to the window. She always liked looking at the sky, at how the clouds slowly move, how the birds flew effortlessly.

Just as she plugs her earphones on, someone took a seat next to her.

"BOO!" Hanna jumped and look to her right immediately.


"Haha i'm sorry, just needed to check on you" Yerim said, half joking.

Han Yerim and Hanna have been bestfriends since childhood as Yerim's parents and Hanna's parents are friends. They grew up together and knew every little detail about each other's life.

"By the way, don't let it get to your head. it'll be over soon." Yerim said as she sits beside Hanna.

"....what will??" Hanna asked.

"That. you know..."

Hanna just look at her bestfriend with confusion.

"aaand you don't. damn," Yerim sighed. "Soojin had been spreading rumours about you again. I thought you knew so i came here to check on you." Yerim explained.

"God, when would she ever stop spreading rumours about me. What story did she make this time?" She whined.

"Promise me you won't rush to her class and attack her..."

"It's ok i won't" Hanna replied.

"She told the boys that you were planning to get back with Hyunjin again, in a bad way.."

Just as Yerim finished her sentence, Hanna stood up but immediately sat down again, remembering she promised Yerim not to go attack her.

"Dammit! That's why the boys were laughing at me when i walk pass them. god i-"

Ring Ring

First lesson is about to start

"Hanna, don't stress about it too much!" Yerim left after she said that.

All she can do right now is try to calm down and get through today.

Why won't she stop spreading rumours, is she still jealous about my past relationship with Hyunjin?? Ugh can't she just get over it, it's not like we have any connection anymore.

Hanna keeps mumbling to herself as Mr. Choi explain in front of the class.

"Lee Hanna and Kim Seungmin, you two will join extra maths lesson after school. You won't get into any university with a score like this. Don't think about skipping it or i will put you in detention" Mr. Choi say in front of the class before he leave.

Damn can today get any worse??? she thought to herself.

School is finally over. Hanna is on her way to her extra lesson class, but she bumped into Soojin instead.

"LOOK AT WHE- Oh Hanna! Omoo how have you been? Hopefully not thinking about making out with him again~" Soojin laughed, followed by her other two friends.

Hanna only glares at her with disgust and keep walking.

"HANNA FIGHTINGG~~" Soojin screamed, loud enough so that Hanna can hear her on the end of the hallway.

She finally arrived in front of the door labeled 'Extra Lesson' and opened the door

"Ms. Hanna, just a second late and i would've put you in detention"

"I'm sorry Mr. Choi, it won't happen again."

Mr. Choi just looked at her as if he's telling her to go to her seat. She scan around the class for a seat but the only seat left is the one beside... Hwang Hyunjin.

"Tsk" She heard Hyunjin as she walks to the seat.

Today is a living hell

The lesson passed without a single word between them. He never showed a smile or even look at her throughout the lesson.

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hi guys!
firstly, i would like to thank you for reading this. it's my first fanfic so i hope you'll like it!

i'm sorry if it's kinda boring and confusing, i just started writing so please let me know if you have any critics or advice on how to write better. thank you!❤️

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